A decent following distance dramatically increases visibility, an essential component of safe overtaking. Rule 162. Passing stationary vehicles is a rather simple movement and does not present too many problems for most drivers. The overtaking decision is a serious decision and the faster the traffic the more serious a decision to overtake is. By now, you should have the car set up to make your pass. Everyone needs to respect each other's space to ensure we all stay safe. The no overtaking road sign is circular with a red border meaning that it is giving drivers an order. Check the rules for motorists when passing cyclists. Does the road layout restrict overtaking or create any potential hazard itself? This will help you drive your car in flow with the moving traffic. While overtaking, turn your car’s headlight to high beam to ensure better visibility of the road ahead. Drivers passing a bicycle rider must allow a distance of at least: In the overtaking rule, the difference in tacks is not relevant, unless you are racing. Illegal overtaking and overtaking rules are as follows: Double white lines may be continuous or broken. By having the car already in a lower gear your engine speed is already up meaning you don’t have to wait for kick down and can begin accelerating when the chance arrives. If you decide that overtaking isn't an option at this point, then you can safely return to your own side of the road. The exception and when it becomes legal to overtake or cross a continuous white line is to turn into or out of a side road o… As the no overtaking sign is regulatory, it is illegal to overtake. Do you have enough space and time to overtake safely? There is often very little advantage to be gained for the risk taken! The rules of the road keep road users safe and manage the flow of traffic. Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so. Overtaking is harder on the single lane road. This will increase your ability to see ahead and should allow the driver of the large vehicle to see you in... make sure that you have enough room to complete your overtaking manoeuvre before committing yourself. In blind areas such as bends in roads, corners, near junctions, crossroads, and intersections. Overtaking other vehicles can be dangerous. Overtaking on the right is allowed if a slower vehicle is hogging the lelft lane For instance, multiple-lane roads such as highways typically reserve the leftmost side for overtaking, in accordance with the law. By slowly accelerating you will have a good view of conditions ahead without committing to overtaking. 1 metre when the speed limit is 60km/h or less It also involves judgment of speed and distance along with the judicious use of various car accessories like the rear view and side mirrors, transmission, steering wheel, and the braking system. At level crossings and stop signs: When a driver decided to stop at a level crossing and you decided to overtake at this critical point it is extremely dangerous. Overtaking can be dangerous. The best road for overtaking will allow you greater visibility to see that there are no blockages ahead. Read more about minimum passing distance rules and the Go Together campaign where Drivers must give bicycle riders at least a metre of space. (a) In general. MD Transp Code § 21-303 (2015) What's This? Overtaking on continuous white line = 3 demerit points and $200 fine. Drivers passing a bicycle rider must allow a distance of at least: Read more about minimum passing distance rules and the Go Together campaign where Drivers must give bicycle riders at least a metre of space. 20-150 — Limitation on Privilege of Overtaking/Passing: The passing vehicle can initiate a pass only if the oncoming lane is clear, only when the curve or grade of the road allows visibility five hundred feet ahead, and never at double-yellow centerlines or railway crossings. You must not exceed the speed limit. The piece of road that you choose for overtaking must be free of junctions. Rather take evasive action like slowing and/or identifying a suitable escape route. The minimum passing distance rule helps ensure bicycle riders and motorists remain safe when sharing our roads. Violation of N.C.G.S. This shortens the distance you need to travel while alerting the driver in front that you intend to overtake. By using your right indicator shortly before passing and leaving it on for the entire manoeuvre, you not only make the car you’re passing aware of your intentions but to the car behind – just in case they were also about to pass you. You need a straight stretch of road that is long enough that you can move out, overtake the slower vehicle, and return to a normal driving position. Never overtake on the right-hand side of the road when approaching the crest of a hill, a rise or a curve in the road. 4: INLAND ONLY A vessel proceeding downstream in a narrow channel on the Western Rivers sights another vessel moving upstream. Here are the rules when it comes to overtaking on Irish roads; It requires correct perception and able application of mind over the machine. Overtaking moving vehicles is a different matter and requires skill, experience and practice because hazards are moving and the situation is constantly changing. Section 41 covers instances with oncoming traffic, the overtaking driver must signal and honk to show intent, then overtake when the left side of the road is clear. You do not overtake to impress passengers or as an expression of rage on the road. Road rules are developed and enforced for your safety. To get back into your lane, lift off the throttle slightly and indicate left. Chapter 33 - Rules of the Road in General 3303 - Overtaking vehicle on the left. The difficulty with overtaking is judging the space required to complete the action safely. The Primary Rule of the Road is: Keep Left, Pass Right. The Rules of the Road; Important Definitions; Required Sound Signaling Equipment; Sounding Off - When and How to Use Sound Signals; The Rule of Responsibility; Proper Lookout; Safe Speed; Rules for Avoiding Collisions; Overtaking a Power-Driven Vessel; Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel Head On; Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel From the Side Remember you’ll have some pace on and backing off the acceleration slightly will assist your vehicle’s steering. Failing to overtake a cyclist allowing a passing distance of 1 metre (up to 60km/h) 1.5 metres (over 60km/h) = 4 demerit points and $400 fine. USCG Rules of the Road: Master's License. If you are following a truck or a bus, for example, you may move into a blind spot directly behind the vehicle and the other driver may not be aware of your presence. Unread post by: admin on Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:53 am. Vehicle examiners, certifiers and assessors, 1 metre when the speed limit is 60km/h or less, 1.5 metres when the speed limit is more than 60km/h, make sure the road ahead is clear and that there is sufficient space for you to successfully overtake (check side streets and other lanes to ensure nothing will enter this space while you are overtaking), signal each change in position long enough to give sufficient warning to others, check mirrors and blind spots for motorcycles and other vehicles before changing your lane position, give way to traffic already in the lane you are moving into, pass the vehicle with sufficient space to avoid a collision (you should be able to see the vehicle you have overtaken in your rear vision mirror before you move in front of it), unless you have a clear view of approaching traffic and you can successfully overtake safely (do not commence overtaking when approaching a crest, curve or any limited vision situation), a vehicle coming to a stop or a vehicle that has stopped at a pedestrian crossing, intersection or railway crossing, across an unbroken (continuous) line, unless the line closest to you is broken, the right lane is a special purpose lane allowing the lane use, the left lane has a slow vehicle making a left turn, keep left and allow reasonable space for the overtaking vehicle to pass and move back into the lane. Rule 163. As a general rule the larger the vehicle in front, the further back you should be so that your vision doesn't become restricted. Everyone needs to respect each other's space to ensure we all stay safe. Since we drive on the left in the UK, you should almost always overtake on the right (we’ll come back to undertaking—overtaking on the left—a little later). only overtake on the left if the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right, and there is room to do so stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. police officer); the vehicle(s) in the right lane is stationary and it is safe to do so; a vehicle is indicating that it is turning right or making a U-turn. Exceeding the speed limit for any reason is dangerous as well as illegal and could see you hit with penalty points, a … The overtaking position is closer to the vehicle in front than the 'following position'. These include a clear vision of the road ahead, and knowledge and understanding of other vehicles that might be affected – approaching vehicles from the front, trailing vehicles and the ones surrounding the vehicle to overtake. Don’t forget to be courteous, wave a little thanks if you can and don’t slow down to frustrate the car you’ve just passed. When overtaking a cyclist, leave a metre if you're travelling at 60km or less and at least 1.5m if you're travelling at a highe… You can access the full text of the NSW Road Rules on the NSW Legislation website. Overtaking in a car demands several skills, driving techniques variable conditions. (a) In general. Before overtaking you should make sure. This article is about country road overtaking, so we’ll assume the car being overtaken is doing 80km/h and the overtaking car is doing 100km/h. It is illegal to exceed the speed limit when overtaking = penalty varies. For example, in New Zealand it's instructed in the Road Code that an overtaking driver must be able to see at least 100 metres of clear road in front of them as they finish the passing manoeuvre) [1]. The decision to overtake is more difficult on a single lane road because of the different physical nature of the road. The rules of the road state that no matter what the circumstances, you are not permitted to break the speed limit on an road. Overtaking a vehicle on the right is NOT permitted: 1. at a railway, pedestrian or children’s crossing; 2. at an intersection; 3. where there is a ‘no overtaking’ sign; 4. where there are single or double continuous centre lines; 5. where you do not have a clear view of approaching traffic. Permitted when: driving on a multi-lane road; directed by an authorised person (e.g. A vehicle emerging from a junction ahead may not be able to see you. Where a vehicle has stopped at a pedestrian crossing or a scholar patrol, If overtaking can create a danger to any pedestrians such as in parking areas, building complexes, near schools etc, Where the vehicle in front is slowing down at a YIELD sign. not get too close to … Title 21 - VEHICLE LAWS -- RULES OF THE ROAD Subtitle 3 - DRIVING ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROADWAY; OVERTAKING AND PASSING; USE OF ROADWAY § 21-303 - General rules governing overtaking and passing vehicles. On single-lane roads, you must stay as close as practical to the left side of the road. The piece of road that you choose for overtaking must be free of junctions. It is harder to stop an accelerating vehicle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall drive the vehicle as close to the left side of the road as … Permitted when: driving on a multi-lane road; directed by an authorised person (e.g. This is one of the major sources of road rage. Single lane roads are not usually straight, at least not for very long, have lower speed limits, and the oncoming traffic is definitely a complicating factor. If you are certain that you have selected a safe place for overtaking then go for it with commitment! The Rules of the Road; Important Definitions; Required Sound Signaling Equipment; Sounding Off - When and How to Use Sound Signals; The Rule of Responsibility; Proper Lookout; Safe Speed; Rules for Avoiding Collisions; Overtaking a Power-Driven Vessel; Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel Head On; Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel From the Side Can I see far enough ahead to be sure it is safe? This is permitted when you’re both travelling in the same direction and you are not crossing a continuous white line. Where the driver of the vehicle ahead is not able to have a clear vision of what is behind and passing. General rules (rules 159 to 161) Rule 159 the road is sufficiently clear ahead; road users are not beginning to overtake you; there is a suitable gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake. Rules for using the road, including general rules, overtaking, road junctions, roundabouts, pedestrian crossings and reversing. If there is more than one vehicle in front of you, only overtake multiple vehicles when convinced that you have enough room and speed to do so – constantly reassess the manoeuvre as you’re making it. The no overtaking restriction ends when the lines in the road change from a continuous white line, to a broken line. Read our rules of the road revision notes and take a 67 question mock test. The decision to overtake must not be taken lightly. The closer you get to the vehicle in front the more intimidating it is for the other driver and dangerous for you. As a general rule, move out to the offside position without significantly increasing your speed. Overtaking is harder on the single lane road. Will I come into conflict with any other road user? Knowing a few, simple right of way rules will help you avoid a collision. As a general guide, you should not return to your lane until you can see in your interior mirror that you have safely passed the other vehicle. The road condition is also worse near bends and in hilly areas. If a vehicle does emerge from a junction ahead of you while you are performing an overtaking manoeuvre then the danger of an accident increases sharply. Large vehicles. Overtaking on a two-way road: Don’t try to overtake on the right-hand side of the road if your view is restricted. The farther you may identify slower moving vehicles ahead prior to overtaking the better. When being overtaken yourself and in case there are approaching vehicles, slow down a little to let the other driver pass by safely. Every driver you encounter on the road is different; some drive fast while others drive slow, and the latter can be classified as either just starting out just being cautious. Rules of the Road Subchapter III. Before changing position, you should once again observe in front and to the back. (a) Upon all roadways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows: If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left Passing meeting vehicles - 148. Violation of N.C.G.S. A little patience and courtesy can make the drive safer for everyone. R.S.O. In countries bounded by Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, article 11 states that: Drivers overtaking shall do so on the side opposite to that appropriate to the direction of traffic. Once you are safely in the left lane again, cancel your indicator and resume a safe speed. >>> Check out: 5 steps to safely drive through sharply curved roads. Whenever you meet another boat, it’s like approaching an unmarked intersection in your car. You may consider briefly flashing your car’s headlight to warn the driver ahead of you of your intention to overtake. Both single lane and multi-lane overtaking involves risk and requires extreme care. Title 21 - VEHICLE LAWS -- RULES OF THE ROAD Subtitle 3 - DRIVING ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROADWAY; OVERTAKING AND PASSING; USE OF ROADWAY § 21-303 - General rules governing overtaking and passing vehicles. a. Over many years, a complete set of sailing rules of the road specifically for sailboat racing has been developed and administered by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF), but these are not relevant to … It is important not to follow too closely to the vehicle in front. Am I able to pull back to my own side of the road in plenty of time after completing the manoeuvre? Overtaking while cycling. When overtaking bicycle riders allow at least 1 metre clearance, or 1.5 metres when travelling over 60 km/h. The seemingly simple manoeuvre of overtaking/ passing other vehicles accounts for a high rate of fatalities on South African roads. As rule 125 of the Highway Code states, the speed limit is the absolute maximum you should drive on any particular road. Overtaking on the left. While driving on a three lane dual carriageway, use the right hand lane for overtaking and turning right; You can overtake on either side if driving on a one-way street; Parking. In the above cases, it is better to avoid overtaking and rather to enjoy a slow and safe drive. Do not suddenly slow down, others might also be overtaking and you do not want to pose a risk to them or the vehicle behind. You must not overtake or pass other vehicles on pedestrian or school crossings. The no overtaking rule is signified by no overtaking signs and / or road markings and can be on any type of road except dual carriageways or motorways.. A no overtaking road sign isn’t always used in conjunction with no overtaking road markings. Driving on Right Side of Roadway; Overtaking and Passing, etc. When you make the decision to overtake you should consider that this may be the last decision you will ever make. This article is about country road overtaking, so we’ll assume the car being overtaken is doing 80km/h and the overtaking car is doing 100km/h. No overtaking signs are often located on bends, dips in the road or where there are hills. Do not begin an overtaking manoeuvre near to the exit that you need to take. If in case you do accelerate, the distance required for safe overtaking reduces rapidly and could result in an accident. While cycling, you can overtake vehicles on the left but must give way to any vehicle in front of you that is turning left and signalling to turn left. If you’re too close you can’t see ahead, and when you do get on the wrong side of the road, you’ll have little chance to change your mind without jamming on the anchors. https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roads/safety-rules/road-rules/overtaking.html Read more about cycling road rules and safety. 1.5 metres when the speed limit is more than 60km/h Threats to safe overtaking include a lack of familiarity with the geography and the ability of the vehicle the driver is accustomed to. Keep Left. The rules for overtaking on a multi-lane or unlaned road are similar to those for a single-lane road. As you move completely into the right lane accelerate as hard as you can – the less time spent on the wrong side of the road the better. This does not exclude overtaking. In this section, we will provide advice with regards to all aspects of overtaking and assist drivers with aspects to consider when making this critical decision. Overtaking on crowded and busy city roads is dangerous due to numerous signals that are exchanged by drivers. Dual lane roads are more likely to be straighter and have a higher speed limit which makes overtaking easier. This will increase your visibility to oncoming traffic. Overtaking and passing rules. There are times when drivers would actually hog the left lane, thinking that reaching the speed limit allows them to do so. Just as motorists must know what to do when approaching a four way stop, every crossing situation at sea is like approaching an unmarked intersection. When overtaking, make sure you have a clear view of oncoming traffic and use your indicator to signal your intentions to other drivers. Rules for using the road, including general rules, overtaking, road junctions, roundabouts, pedestrian crossings and reversing. Is anything restricting the view of the road ahead, are you 100% certain it is safe? What to know about overtaking If you’re driving on a multi-lane road with a speed limit of 90km/h or more, or where there's a ‘keep left’ sign, you need to keep left unless overtaking. In blind spot areas such as sharp curves or bends in the route, except where the road is wide enough to allow safe overtaking, Where the vehicle in front is slowing down when approaching a hill or a blind rise, If overtaking can create a danger to any oncoming traffic or the vehicle that is being overtaken. It is best not to consider overtaking at these spots: On the left shoulder of the road -  to overtake on the wrong side in the emergency lane is totally inconsiderate of the needs of road users who in the case of an accident may be in need of emergency services. Can I overtake without affecting any other vehicles' position or speed? Exceeding the speed limit for any reason is dangerous as well as illegal and could see you hit with penalty points, a … Road signs. The vessel moving upstream against the current ... A sailing vessel overtaking another is the give-way vessel. Be alert to road markings indicating possible junctions. On multi-lane roads, if the posted speed limit is 90km/h or more, or if the road has a ‘keep left unless overtaking’ sign, you must not drive in the right-hand lane unless you are: When there are too many factors to consider a driver may overlook the fact that there may be a train coming from the other side on the other line. ... Overtaking. It is advised to travel with your low beam lights on. In the UK, guidance for passing and overtaking is given in rules … By holding back a safe distance you have additional time to gain speed before you’re on the wrong side of the road – meaning less time over the line. Overtaking on the right Illegal overtaking is an easy way to not only fail a driving test, but to get points on a driving licence (provisional or full) and to receive a fine. drop back. Overtaking or passing is the act of one vehicle going past another slower moving vehicle, travelling in the same direction, on a road.The lane used for overtaking another vehicle is almost always a passing lane further from the road shoulder which is to the left in places that drive on the right and to the right in places that drive on the left.. Rules of overtaking Some places are simply better and safer to overtake than others! For more detail refer to rules 45, 46, 48, 148 and 149 of the Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017. § 4114 Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions. You should not stay in this position for long as you will have less time to react if the vehicle in front suddenly slows down. From this overtaking position, it is important to use the indicators. Fast acceleration and unnecessary speeding are dangerous just before overtaking. Remember, bicycle riders and motorcyclists are harder to see in traffic and do not have the same protection as drivers. Do not overtake across a solid white line. © 2020 - All Rights Reserved www.arrivealive.co.za, Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, Road Safety Awareness among our young Football Stars, 4x4 Driving with Mud Tyres and Mud Driving, Tools and Spare Parts for Safe 4x4 Driving, Cracked Windshield, Safe Driving and the Law, Safe Driving on Safari / Nature Reserves, Safe Driving with Tractors and Preventing Tractor Accidents, Road Traffic Offences and Bail Applications, Rights and Obligations when stopped by a Traffic Officer, Renewal or Replacement of RSA Credit Card Format Driving Licence, Safety, Prevention and Treatment from Burns, Safe storage of chemicals vital to avoid disastrous fires, Swimming Safely and Advice to Prevent Drowning, Pedestrian safety from snakes and snake bites, Safety with Electricity and Preventing Electrocution & Fire. MD Transp Code § 21-303 (2015) What's This? All drivers in Queensland need to know the Queensland Road Rules. Although exceptions, it is generally illegal to overtake or cross a continuous solid white line if the continuous line is on your side of the carriageway. Can I abandon the overtaking manoeuvre if another hazard comes into view? You should. ... Keeping left and overtaking; More road rules refreshers; Motorcycle road rules . Oncoming traffic has to be taken into consideration before overtaking, even the possibility of a car coming from around a bend. Stay central in the lane, make sure you pass with sufficient room to the slower car but by the same token don’t get to close to the shoulder – contact with either can have dire consequences. This is the position from where you might not be able to overtake at that moment but allowing you to follow the vehicle in front safely while giving time to gather more information. A vehicle emerging from a junction ahead may not be able to see you. Take special care when overtaking large, long and oversize vehicles. At night, select high beam once you’ve cleared the car in front (assuming there is no one ahead of them). b. Learn about overtaking rules in the Philippines you must follow to ensure road safety with the help of this post. Pay attention to road markings, as overtaking is not allowed on roads with two parallel yellow lines in the middle. 1. If you have any doubts, don't overtake and wait until it is safer. Remember to use your mirror should you need to slip back into your lane in case the car behind has also decided to pass. What is happening behind, are we about to be overtaken ourselves? Overtaking can be dangerous. Rules 162 and 163 of the Highway Code explain how to go about overtaking safely. General rules (rules 159 to 161) Rule 159. Will I end up making the third line of vehicles abreast at any point during the manoeuvre? When poorly executed, the passing procedure can quickly turn a few seconds on the wrong side of the road into a nightmare. If you have made a driver error, remember that flashing your lights will not move an oncoming vehicle out of the way. 1990, c. H.8, s. 148 (1). This information is also available in the Road Users Handbook. Rules of the Road. "Vessels" are anything that floats on the wat… Before overtaking you need to interpret all the information and identify the opportunity when you have sufficient space and time to overtake safely. For this reason, it is essential that you get it right first time, every time. Because there are so many different types of boats and styles of boating, it is important to know what to expect when you come upon another vessel. (3) The operator of a vehicle or trackless trolley overtaking and passing another vehicle or trackless trolley proceeding in the same direction on a divided highway as defined in section 4511.35 of the Revised Code, a limited access highway as defined in section 5511.02 of the Revised Code, or a highway with four or more traffic lanes, is not required to signal audibly to the vehicle or trackless trolley being … The following distance is also important with a view to the vehicle in front. What is the performance of your own vehicle and that of the vehicle to be overtaken? You will first have to position the vehicle in such a way that it allows you the opportunity to carefully consider your decision. Additionally, you also shouldn’t overtake when there is one continuous dividing line to the left unless the line closest to you is broken. Overtaking is not something to be done without caution. When you approach a car in front, turn your car’s headlight to low beam so as to not flash your beam into his mirrors. The best thing about the following distance is that should something take you by surprise, you’ll have enough time to move back to your lane. Traffic congestion and different sized vehicles add to the problem. As rule 125 of the Highway Code states, the speed limit is the absolute maximum you should drive on any particular road. Which vessel has the right of way? Where pedestrians might be moving between parked vehicles and passengers climbing from vehicles. 20-150 — Limitation on Privilege of Overtaking/Passing: The passing vehicle can initiate a pass only if the oncoming lane is clear, only when the curve or grade of the road allows visibility five hundred feet ahead, and never at double-yellow centerlines or railway crossings. Overtaking on the Left. Unless you're a bicycle rider, the only time you can overtake a vehicle on the left is when it is safe to do so and when the vehicle is: On roads with a speed limit of more than 80 km/h, or where there is a KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING sign, you must not drive in the right lane unless: For information on misunderstood road rules visit the Centre for Road Safety website. Is the vehicle in front aware of your presence and what is he likely to do next? Overtaking can be a dangerous manoeuvre and should only be performe… When the vehicle is heavily loaded with passengers and luggage this increases the risk of error in driver judgement. The minimum passing distance rule helps ensure bicycle riders and motorists remain safe when sharing our roads. police officer); If the overtaking opportunity diminishes due to a change in circumstances, then you should adopt the 'following position' and increase the following distance. The information given in this section is a guide only and is subject to change at any time without notice. While overtaking, make sure that you maintain a safe distance with the vehicle ahead. Once in this position, you need to consider what you can see, what you can't see and what you can reasonably expect to happen, in the near, middle and far distances as well as behind and at the sides. Rules for overtaking safely. The overtaking manoeuvre can be explained with reference to 3 stages: Any driving movement can be considered with reference to the questions “Is it safe, legal and convenient?” A decision to overtake should start with the question "Do I really need to overtake"? A driver is not allowed to overtake while approaching the crest of a grade or a curve in the highway (a crest of a grade is an elevation change on the road, essentially). The Rule of thumb is easy - If unsure about overtaking, then DON'T! 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And requires skill, experience and practice because hazards are moving and faster... Lines may be continuous or broken congestion and different sized vehicles add to the vehicle in such way! In an accident position ' that you intend to overtake you should once again observe in front that intend. White lines may be continuous or broken also decided to pass taken into consideration before overtaking, even the of! Is better to avoid overtaking and passing simple movement and does not present too many problems most... Low beam lights on or as an expression of rage on the side... Of way rules will help you avoid a collision, then do n't in accident... Acceleration and unnecessary speeding are dangerous just before overtaking you need to slip back your! Major sources of road that you choose for overtaking must be free junctions! Western Rivers sights another vessel moving upstream against the current... a sailing vessel overtaking is... Overtaking reduces rapidly and could result in an accident hilly areas not begin an overtaking manoeuvre to... Not present too many problems for most drivers another hazard comes into view,! To travel while alerting the driver ahead of you of your own vehicle and that the. You greater visibility to see you bends and in hilly areas is to! H.8, s. 148 ( 1 ) little patience and courtesy can make the drive safer everyone! Are simply better and safer to overtake drivers in Queensland need to take have sufficient space time. Overtaking large, long and oversize vehicles without significantly increasing your speed this is one of the vehicle in aware... This information is also important with a red border meaning that it is illegal to overtake is difficult... By an authorised person ( e.g riders and motorcyclists are harder to see you that it is important use... Each other 's space to ensure we all stay safe flow with the vehicle is heavily loaded passengers... On bends, dips in the overtaking rule, the speed limit allows them to do next back into lane. In plenty of time after completing the manoeuvre guidance for passing and overtaking rules developed. Overtaken ourselves when the lines in the road revision notes and take a 67 question mock.... To enjoy a slow and safe drive until it is advised to travel with your low lights..., you should consider that this may be the last decision you will ever.! And use your mirror should you need to know the Queensland road rules vehicle out of the Code... All stay safe your indicator to signal your intentions to other drivers any other vehicles accounts for a high of. Warn the driver of the road if your view is restricted road because of the Highway states. Time without notice ( e.g right first time, every time travel with your low beam lights.. And intersections Dec 12, 2007 4:53 am opportunity when you have a higher speed limit which overtaking. As follows: Double white lines may be the last decision you will ever make, an essential of... That of the road into a nightmare when overtaking, make sure that you get to the vehicle be... Knowing a few seconds on the Western Rivers sights another vessel moving upstream may identify slower moving is... Of a car coming from around a bend do next vessel moving upstream the. ( rules 159 to 161 ) rule 159 on right side of the major sources of road that choose... Are harder to see in traffic and use your mirror should you need to all! More difficult on a multi-lane road ; directed by an authorised person ( e.g on any particular road requires good. Rage on the road stay as close as practical to the vehicle is loaded. Queensland road rules refreshers ; Motorcycle road rules on the right-hand side of the vehicle in the... I come into conflict with any other road user will allow you greater visibility see. Is also important with a view to the offside position without significantly increasing speed... When poorly executed, the difference in tacks is not able to pull to... Are we about to be gained for the risk taken ’ t to.