Reopening work on the DAP and endangering the water source of native tribes and others - that's the work of an environmental hero. Donald Trump: Mr. Trudeau you say 70.5 million dollars? First, my schedule always has me out of town for that week and most important, I have become follicley challenged and no longer can create the image needed to compete. FEATURED IMAGE: The bril­liant car­i­ca­ture at the top of this page is by Donkey Hotey, who states that it was adapted from a photo in the public do­main from U.S. De­part­ment of State’s Flickr pho­to­stream. Matthew Brown and Ellen Knickmeyer, Associated Press. Clinton and Trump give America same old in debate, Trump donors are rare in the Somerset Hills, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, In a question-and-answer session, Russo talks about local and national politics, clean water and clean air and what the thinks matters today, Donald Trump is a very hands-on manager of everything he does, and has passion and vision. That book is about Donald Trump, known en­vi­ron­mental cham­pion. Now, he’s the star of a conspiracy theory to discredit the U.S. election where Trump’s legal team already suffered their first casualty Raul Stolk November 23, 2020 As the sun is setting on one project it is rising on another. a blog about the day after tomorrow (which seems to be happening now), DONALD TRUMP, ENVIRONMENTAL HERO. They cannot allow themselves to believe Donald Trump does great things for the environment. DONALD TRUMP, ENVIRONMENTAL HERO. “She is the political mirror image of Donald Trump,” said Frank Sesno, director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University and a former CNN Washington bureau chief. Perhaps if someday I can resolve these two issues I will get back into the ring. And it was also the start of a beautiful relationship, with Russo overseeing the environmental work on Trump golf courses from Scotland to California.Russo has now written a book, available at Amazon, about his experiences with Trump. He has an uncanny and unnerving ability to know what I am doing at all times. It is right out there to find. They just need to think objectively instead of politically.MyCentralJersey: For your friends back in New Jersey, describe  a day in the life of Ed Russo, either on Key West or working for Trump. Russo was also an author of Bedminster's golf course ordinance, which many thought was so restrictive that they doubted a golf course would ever be built within township.Russo was so tough on developers that people were surprised when Russo became an environmental consultant to Donald Trump and The Trump Organization 15 years ago.The relationship started when Trump was considering building a golf course in Bedminster on the estate where John DeLorean once lived. The coal industry is a perfect example. en­vi­ron­mental con­sul­tant”) led to a ref­er­ence to Russo. Edward Russo is the author of “Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero,” which he published in 2016. Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero. Right - because banning the EPA from posting anything regarding climate change or using social media, period - that's the work of an environmental hero. This book is a hoax per­pe­trated by the Chinese. The lawsuit … He made it by making deals and selling buildings etc. Imagine the difference we could make. Ed Russo:  My favorite project will always be Bedminster. After revealing plans to alter the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in January, President Donald Trump announced what critics called “reckless and unprecedented” changes during a July campaign stop. If the American people can filter out the tabloid media hype and base their decision on what Donald Trump says and does, and not what the media says he says and does, I think Donald J. Trump, an environmental hero, will be our next president. For instance I received an inquiry about the river bank stabilization, erosion control, runoff filtration, and habitat enhancement project we did along the Potomac River. Please rate this article with your comment. Edward is on the board of directors for Reef Relief ( and the Florida Keys Community College Foundation ( The story is about Donald Trump's Acquisition of the property in New Jersy that eventually would become his New Bedford golf club. Donald Trump has made billions throughout his lifetime. According to the tech news site Gizmodo, the title is a 2016 self-published work by Edward Russo, “an environmental advisor for the Trump Organization,” *   Cu­ri­ouser and cu­ri­ouser: Two weeks ago, the linked words in the second para­graph about Ed­ward Russo above (“en­vi­ron­mental con­sul­tant”) led to a ref­er­ence to Russo. In every case I provided information and documents that showed the technical data that support the environmental improvement. Trump may be leaving office, but marine mammals won’t be able to rest easy. A story was never written. No specific standards, no clear goals or objectives. Somehow the environment has become a liberal axiom. And that, my friends, is the circle of life.”, Donald J. Trump: An En­vi­ron­mental Hero, . Living in the Keys has added years to my life. Therefore, when people volunteer to do all of the exciting environmental work that Donald achieved, they deserve to receive acknowledgement and respect. Rock & Roll Record Albums Price Guide (book), Goldmine’s Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums (1, Goldmine’s Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums (5, Goldmine’s Rock’n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide, Goldmine’s Price Guide to Collectible Jazz Albums, A Touch Of Gold – Elvis Presley Price Guide (book), Monroe County Cli­mate Change Ad­vi­sory Com­mittee, the wicked witch of the east has returned to oz, inconceivable! They merely cast it aside as ridiculous. The … Ed Russo: National politics might be more vicious by the magnitude and weight of the media scrutiny. Because all of these special interests have been running around screaming about global warming and not focusing on our immediate water and air problems. Donald Trump is NOT an environmental hero. Lobbyists have taken over the process of government. Spin masters are paid ridiculous amounts of money to present Donald in the worst way possible. This is a waste of tax revenue which cannot be tolerated under my administration. I have worked for many environmental crusades and the press has always been my friend with a conscience. Golf can be an environmental enhancement, but you have to do golf Donald’s way. "Ed Russo: The book chronicles several of the Donald's properties, especially his flagship golf club in Bedminster, and shows significant and sometimes spectacular environmental gains. That's me," Russo told Trump.After the meeting, Russo vowed to a friend, "Donald Trump will never be able to put two Popsicle sticks on that property - never. After a while I realized that the reporters were only attempting to demonize Donald Trump for their own personal gain or profit and writing about the good things he did didn't sell or didn't fit their narrative. Edward Russo is committed to preserving and protecting the environment. But if you thought Trump was planning to read something that might broaden his horizons, think again. ©2020 gcc – global climate change / built with generatepress. A hero in my opinion possesses two attributes that makes him great. He also strongly advocated Bedminster's 10-acre zoning (one house per 10-acre lot) for the portion of the township west of Route 206 to preserve the township's rural character. SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 07 (IPS) - In his early February annual State of the Union address, US President Donald Trump typically hailed his own policies for increasing wages and jobs to achieve record low US unemployment. The media no longer searches for facts, they search for angles that will promote their vision. Donald has an enormous amount of energy, so it is not uncommon to get a call from him at 5 AM. Yet when pe­rusing the latest email newsletter from Giz­modo, I was greeted by this head­line and teaser: “Trump Has a Book Written By a Trump Ad­visor About How Trump Loves the En­vi­ron­ment Actually.”. So we are being exploited and getting the worst of both worlds, losing our jobs and receiving the pollution. Clean air and clean water are conservative values because it's all about property rights and property rights are conservative values. When someone is thoughtful he is aware of everything and does everything for the greater good. Now it leads to a 404 error page. I actually did that for eight days in a row. How much contact did you have with him or his family during a project? Working for Donald allows me to concentrate on quality work in the field. I used the "hoax" because it is the word that he uses. Lobbyists who represent foreign countries and some American companies have learned the important skills of maneuvering and manipulating American lawmakers into making billions of dollars for their clients and destroying our greatest asset, the American workers. The book was self-published by Ed­ward Russo, an ad­visor to the pres­i­dent on the en­vi­ron­ment. We must work with our institutions to consider each and every energy source and describe the economic, environmental, social, and political impacts of each. National politics are for those who are or should be prepared for the insanity that we are witnessing today from the tabloid media that is focused on character assassination not clarity or accuracy. Ed­ward R. Russo is a Key West res­i­dent and member of the Monroe County Cli­mate Change Ad­vi­sory Com­mittee. We need to stop doing things that merely feel good and do things to improve the environment that are good. However, a comprehensive long term energy plan is required. But this did not happen. Staff Writer Mike Deak: 908-243-6607; Why is it that our coal miners are out of work and have been embarrassed and humiliated in front of their friends and families and the coal mines in China are operating 24 hours a day? To read this ar­ticle in its en­tirety, click, FEATURED IMAGE: The bril­liant car­i­ca­ture at the top of this page is by, , who states that it was adapted from a photo in the public do­main from U.S. De­part­ment of State’s Flickr, *   Cu­ri­ouser and cu­ri­ouser: Two weeks ago, the linked words in the second para­graph about Ed­ward Russo above (“. •  This book is ob­vious pro­pa­ganda and mis­in­for­ma­tion, written by a Trump cam­paign staffer claiming to be an environmentalist. The revisions, detailed in a final rule released by the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), swiftly provoked legal threats from advocacy organizations. Behold, the most laughable book title of the decade. •  This book is a hoax per­pe­trated by the Chinese. This regulation revolved around a complicated rule … I leased 80 acres and the Old Victorian Farmhouse from John DeLorean in the '80’s and have a passion for the land. Not only in the field, but to educate people on what they could do to have a significant impact in improving our environment. The book: Donald J. Trump: Environmental Hero, written by one of Trump’s business consultants. I could find very little about him ex­cept generalities. He succeeds through his passion and vision. BEDMINSTER - Ed Russo calls himself an environmental crusader.As chairman of the Bedminster Planning Board in the 1990s, Russo was a notorious stickler with developers, demanding that they follow the strict environmental standards of the township and New Jersey. Donald Trump – An En­vi­ron­mental Hero was pub­lished in 2106 using Ama­zon’s Cre­ate­Space In­de­pen­dent Pub­lishing Plat­form. Recognizing Donald's efforts will hopefully set a standard for others to emulate. You would never know that by the first eight re­views are 1-star re­views and rather negative. Government agencies and environmental groups cannot do all of the environmental work that is desperately needed. During construction projects he is always in charge. And that, my friends, is the circle of life.”. This is a global issue. To read this ar­ticle in its en­tirety, click HERE. This book is ob­vious pro­pa­ganda and mis­in­for­ma­tion, written by a Trump cam­paign staffer claiming to be an environmentalist. This website uses cookies and by continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of them. As soon as the reporter received and read the material, all correspondence ended. The New York Times’ Lisa Friedman followed up – and discovered the title of the book he intends to read: Donald J Trump: An Environmental Hero, by Ed Russo. •  This book con­tains one of the smelliest loads of horse poop money can buy. However, I must be ready to travel and lend a hand to improving the environment at any of Donald Trump’s properties. What do you think will be the players' reaction to the course? Ed Russo: My point is that I have come across many people who trivialize the importance of environmental protection, the people who put out a flag on Earth Day or plant a tree on Arbor Day but do nothing the rest of the year to clean up the environment. Add your website/blog address and maybe pick up a few new readers here. For example, Donald will characterize Climate Change as a hoax, but none of the media want to find out why this is true and why it is important. hen pe­rusing the latest email newsletter from Giz­modo, I was greeted by this head­line and teaser: “Trump Has a Book Written By a Trump Ad­visor About How Trump Loves the En­vi­ron­ment Actually.”. Trump pushes new environmental rollbacks on way out the door. Justin Trudeau: Mr. Trump, you must appreciate that my investment in green infrastructure is in line with the new Paris Agreement (Paris Agreement…, 2016). Now it leads to a 404 error page. It’s a book about himself, called Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero, self-published in 2016 by his former environmental consultant, Edward Russo. For example, why did it take two years for the Flint, Michigan pollution to be addressed? I feel that I escaped the incredible pressures of the North East. The chart that ac­com­pa­nies each Amazon ad­ver­tise­ment states that more than 80 per­cent of the cus­tomer re­views of the book awarded it ei­ther 4- or 5-stars. “Known book­worm Donald Trump would like you to know he has a book. Time Announces 4 Finalists for Person of the Year Time magazine is set to announce their Person of the Year during a special on NBC, but they have revealed the shortlist of finalists today. Right - because banning the EPA from posting anything regarding climate change or using social media, period - that's the work of an environmental hero. We live on a small planet and we have learned that water and air pollution that is allowed in some other country will eventually make its way here. We sent him questions about the book to Key West.MyCentralJersey: Why did you write the book, "Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero? He acted as an environmental consultant for Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization for fifteen years. The Internet and my cell phone allow me to conduct business while I’m pedaling around Key West. Donald Trump has built many buildings but his best building in my opinion is the Trump Building. What is the worst misconception about Trump?Russo: The misconceptions of Donald Trump are not a circumstance of fate. He appointed Scott Pruitt, a man who doesn’t believe in climate change, to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. You must be insane or drunkard. This is absurd. Russo writes in his new book, "Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero," that the developer told him "I'm worth six billion dollars and no little town like Bedford is going to tell me what to do. That environmentalist in question is none other than Trump himself, and the only book in that vein appears to be Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero. So we get the worst of both worlds. Everything he does must be vilified, especially when it has to do with the environment. Ed Russo: Everything I write in the book is a product of the public record or easily observed results. Trump has financial ties to Energy Transfer Partners and Phillips 66 who are both directly involved in the controversial project. Most local public servants I know approach their civic responsibility as an expression of their volunteerism. Ed­ward R. Russo is a Key West res­i­dent and member of the. It’s written and self-published by known Trump lover and ad­visor Ed­ward Russo. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Meh. "At that point in the meeting, Russo writes he had reached his "breaking point. All rights reserved. MyCentralJersey: Why do you think the media is  biased and “lazy and disconnected?”. Hard to be­lieve it wasn’t in­tended as satire. Your ideas are very embarrassing. It’s written and self-published by known Trump lover and ad­visor Ed­ward Russo. One com­menter even ques­tions the au­then­ticity of all of the pos­i­tive 4- and 5-star re­views, im­plying they may be, ahem, fake reviews! However, in February 2017, newly elected President Donald Trump ended the environmental impact assessment and ordered for construction to continue. I have met him on a project at 7 AM and he is still going at 11 PM. If you have the opportunity to see his courses in Bedminster, they look like golf courses and people actually play golf there, but Donald’s vision was to see it as a stream stabilization, erosion control, and habitat expansion and enhancement project. Imagine what could have been done if the Climate Summit resulted in five things everyone of the 7 billion people of the world could do right now. Based on your experience, what is more vicious, local or national politics? As we are preparing for the 2017 USGA Women's Open Championship and the 2022 PGA Championship, the "Old" course has  undergone numerous architectural enhancements that will challenge the best players in the world. I also will always be proud of how we transitioned an eroding and polluting farm into a spectacular grassland bird habitat Lamington Farm is today. Updated 4:39 pm EST, Wednesday, November 18, 2020 What a strange, men­da­cious little book. The facts are that no one is denying that the climate changes, and no one can deny that the sea level is rising. That environmentalist in question is none other than Trump himself, and the only book in that vein appears to be Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero. The book was self-published by Edward Russo who was among other things, an environmental advisor for the Trump Organization and as of last year, he said he was still an “informal advisor” to Trump according to an E&E News profile. Pruitt has close relationships with big oil and gas … It’s all about clean air and clean water.MyCentralJersey: Why do you hate Earth Day? But the political characterization by the media ignores the reality that it is all about clean air and clean water. That is why the global warming debate is a hoax promoted by special interests. People vote for what is important to them and for me it is campaign finance reform. Therefore, we must turn away from gross generalizations and misconceptions and concentrate on clean air and clean water. Criticism of your work toward your kids in school must be understood and discussed. EPA loosens regulations on toxic air pollution. Ed Russo: We need a comprehensive energy plan that provides for clean air and clean water without losing our most precious asset....the American worker. This fundamental new and unique approach to golf has been incorporated as the standard for the future of golf. Other nations in the agreement are making … But no, I haven’t competed since then for two reasons. The first com­ment (as of Jan­uary 10, 2020) lists four­teen things Trump has done or is doing that ad­versely af­fects the en­vi­ron­ment, in­cluding al­lowing coal mining to dump waste in streams again, gut­ting US com­mit­ment to the Cli­mate Change Agree­ment, and ad­vancing a bill to elim­i­nate the EPA. When you are active in environmental organizations you spend most of your time raising money and a relatively small amount of time in the field doing what you love to do. There is usually no insulation for your family. Donald Trump has attempted to warn the American people of the new ism to be concerned with, lobbyism. *. MyCentralJersey: The U.S. Women's Open is coming to Trump National in Bedminster in 2017 and the PGA Championship in 2022. What’s the media done? Nothing. That book is about Donald Trump, known en­vi­ron­mental cham­pion. So we lose jobs in America because we don't want the pollution here. The former president’s new book, The Promised Land, dropped on Tuesday, and there’s a lot to pour over. I have observed reporters and their researchers only doing the easy homework or researching items that fit their narrative. Do you still compete in Ernest Hemingway “look-alike” contests? Mycentraljersey: What's your personal relationship with Trump? This is wrong. The results have been spectacular. DDT has been found in the ice at the North Pole. Ed Russo: Donald Trump is a very hands-on manager of everything he does. I could find very little about him ex­cept generalities. We must also decide which energy sources should receive incentives and disincentives through taxes and tariffs to achieve the long awaited goal of energy independence based on renewable energy. The pollution of the Flint River is one of thousands of serious environmental problems being ignored. If everyone joined other people in their communities and worked to solve clean water and air pollution problems, the globe's carbon problem will be significantly reduced. Ed Russo: Since I have been involved with projects for Donald from Aberdeen, Scotland, to Palos Verdes, California, the work sometimes feels like there is no time for sleep. I remember when I was fighting Combe Fill Landfill up in Chester  I would pick up the phone and call State Senator walter "Moose" Foran, and he would pick up the phone! "Ed Russo: I started receiving calls from media outlets as soon as Donald announced his candidacy. It will eventually make it's way here. Donald’s brilliance recognized the opportunity to use golf to enhance the environment. I now ride a golf cart in the same areas that I rode my horses. He usually wears me out by noon. We are very excited about the forthcoming championships and we feel strongly that the design features and conditions will protect against any previous scoring records in past major championships.MyCentralJersey: You were chairman of the planning board in Bedminster and president of the Chester Township Council. But media reports quickly identified the book he was referring to as Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero. The book in question is titled Donald J. Trump: An Environmental Hero, penned by Edward Russo. To most of the people in the world con­cerned with the state of that world, those four words are more than a simple bit of irony: Pres­i­dent Trump may be the quin­tes­sence of the cli­mate change de­nial “movement”—ignorant (or du­plic­i­tous) and ar­ro­gant. Nothing. These environmental improvements, documented with before and after pictures, were not required and received no grant funds to achieve. I consider it a victory if I can get through the day on my bicycle without using my car. The book was self-published by Ed­ward Russo, an ad­visor to the pres­i­dent on the en­vi­ron­ment. They are a well-crafted criticism of his persona from people that need to defeat him. Sup­pos­edly, he worked as an en­vi­ron­mental con­sul­tant to Donald J. Trump and the Trump Or­ga­ni­za­tion since 2002, re­spon­sible for sig­nif­i­cant en­vi­ron­mental im­prove­ments throughout the Trump Organization’s global properties. © 2020 Directly appealing to labour for a second term, Trump claimed exclusive credit for the US "blue-collar boom". It is one hun­dred pages in length. This system of lobbyism has convinced environmentalists that it is a small price to pay for our workers to be unemployed if we can export the pollution associated with coal mining to China. Will any scoring records be broken?Ed Russo: Based on professional golfers, both men and women, that have previously played over recent years, have without exception complimented both layouts on the conditions as well as the overall difficulty. What specific recommended actions came out of the Climate Summit in Paris for all the people of the world to act on? Ed Russo: The old way of designing, constructing, and maintaining golf courses were terrible for the environment. It is not. We need the private sector to contribute to these efforts, and not just with donations. Donald has spent millions of dollars on planting trees which sequesters carbon in the air and has spent millions of dollars enhancing and expanding habitats by improving water quality. Writing a book that included the before and after pictures and technical data could, in my opinion, provide the accurate information about Donald's environmental approach and achievements.MyCentralJersey: Why is Trump "an environmental hero? Edward Russo should check it donald trump environmental hero Flint River is one of Trump ’ s way ex­cept... Is all about clean air and clean water are conservative values because it not. Us `` blue-collar boom '' values because it is all about clean air and clean water are conservative values of. Open is coming to Trump National in Bedminster in 2017 and the Old way of designing constructing... Showed the technical data that support the environmental condition of one or another of persona... My administration away from gross generalizations and misconceptions and concentrate on clean air and clean.... This is a hoax promoted by special interests on way out the.. 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