I have two main goals when testing integration points — Test that the correct request is made with associated path, body, headers etc. If you have prior programming experience, you may be wondering: “could we just guarantee the bucket does not crash in the first place?”. Ensuring you are providing a proper result for tests is generally a good indicator other parts of your application will use that code properly too. And one of the most common ways we can recover from a failure is by restarting whatever part of the system crashed. The application callback’s job is to start a supervision tree. Happy building! But how can we automatically start the supervisor whenever our system starts? Since module identifiers are atoms (try i(KV.Registry) in IEx), we can name a process after the module that implements it, provided there is only one process for that name. Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. By defining our own supervisor, we provide more structure on how we initialize, shutdown and supervise processes in our applications, aligning our production code and tests with best practices. A behaviour is a set of function signatures that must be implemented by a module. IEx is Elixir interactive shell. There are specific use-cases where Elixir is a great choice: applications that have high concurrency and/or performance demands (i.e. Elixir is a relatively new, dynamic, functional language. In this chapter, we will learn how to put those concepts into practice by supervising the KV.Registry process. Phoenix provides several moving pieces. You can check the documentation for more information. The supervisor automatically starts the registry. Every language needs a solid test framework, and that framework needs to provide mechanisms that allow a developer to exercise the features of the language. Rather than sharing memory between processes, it shares nothing and instead relies on message passing. Then, we’ll learn how to test a simple parallel map function in Elixir using a typical test-driven development workflow and show some of the conveniences offered by ExUnit. Although this chapter was the first time we implemented a supervisor, it was not the first time we used one! Wallaby helps test your web applications by simulating user interactions concurrently and manages browsers. After all, if something goes wrong with the registry, the whole registry is lost and no bucket could ever be found! To address this, we often give names to processes, allowing them to be uniquely identified in a single machine from anywhere in our code. The Elixir language has been more carefully curated compared to ruby and continues to improve at a great velocity. At some point, we started monitoring buckets so we were able to take action whenever a KV.Bucket crashed. While our application will have many buckets, it will only have a single registry. This helps when debugging and introspecting the system. Not long ago, I had a task that involved securing a webhook from an external API, making it possible to verify if the request was coming from the allowed application (authenticity) and if the received payload matched the one sent from the application, by verifying if the hashes matched . Based on the contents of our mix.exs file, we would say we have a Mix project that defines the :kv application. The supervision strategy dictates what happens when one of the children crashes. But, if it does happen, for whatever reason, we can rest assured that our system will continue to work as intended. But can we customize what happens when our application starts? The child_spec/1 function is automatically defined when we use Agent, use GenServer, use Supervisor, etc. The first bit to notice is the assert macro, which receives an Elixir term and evaluates its “truthiness”. Until now, we’ve looked at how to start and stop processes for testing and discussed when it’s suitable to start a process to test it. In this case, we’re effectively asking it to evaluate whether this statement is true: “the expression 1 + 1 is equivalent to the expression 2. Policies . It’s possible that a new test with more and/or slightly different logic could pass, but existing functionality is broken in making the new test pass. To get started, we need to create a new Elixir project: mix new hello_exunit. If you were ever confused about mocks and stubs in Elixir, I made it 100% clear for you. To start, let’s run our test suite to see how everything looks. It has the same performance as compared to Erlang with certain changes in features. A productive place where software engineers discuss CI/CD, share ideas, and learn. Since we have only one child now, that’s all we need. Elixir’s built-in test framework is ExUnit and it includes everything we need to thoroughly test our code.Before moving on it is important to note that tests are implemented as Elixir scripts so we need to use the .exs file extension.Before we can run our tests we need to start ExUnit with ExUnit.start(), this is most commonly done in test/test_helper.exs. Compile Elixir applications into single, easily distributed executable binaries. So far we are supervising the registry but our application is also starting buckets. What happens if I reach the API limit? Download it here. # Although we don't use the supervisor name below directly. The first step is to tell our application definition (i.e. All rights reserved. As a matter of fact, we can! When we say “project” you should think about Mix. It will, however, still warn us that we have an unused variable: Similar to our earlier failed test, a failed pattern match is exposed clearly by ExUnit’s output, as shown by this test: The core ideas behind test-driven development (TDD), are that code should be developed with very short cycle times, and the code should only address the specific requirements that have been laid out. Photo by Emery Way. It knows how to compile your project, test your project and more. Since local names MUST be atoms, we would have to dynamically create atoms, which is a bad idea since once an atom is defined, it is never erased nor garbage collected. Now, let’s update our function to emit the log message: Now, all the tests should be passing, and we’re on our way to write better tests for our application. Testing this is a bit more involved, as by default there are no mocks or stubs in ExUnit. Let’s use this opportunity to start the KV.Supervisor we have implemented earlier in this chapter. Testing domains independently using Mox Mox, as the name suggests, is a library that defines mocks bound to specific behaviours. New releases are announced in the announcement mailing list. An application has generally only two directories: ebin, for Elixir artefacts, such as .beam and .app files, and priv, with any other artefact or asset you may need in your application. In other words, that registry entry for that bucket would forever be in a bad state. 9.7 6.9 ecto_it VS wallaby Wallaby helps test your web applications by simulating user interactions concurrently and manages browsers. Any attempt at creating a new bucket with the same name would just return the PID of the crashed bucket. Now that processes are started by the supervisor, we have to directly ask the supervisor who its children are, and fetch the pid from the returned list of children. This chapter is part of the Mix and OTP guide and it depends on previous chapters in this guide. It’s generally wise to follow the DRY philosophy when writing tests: Don’t Repeat Yourself. You can subscribe by sending an email to [email protected] and replying to the confirmation email. We have been working inside an application this entire time. However, one of the main pain points we’ve felt, when making this transition to Elixir, is related with testing. Used a typical Test Driven Development process to implement a fully-tested Elixir application With this knowledge, we can build stronger and better Elixir projects that can be safely extended and improved thanks to ExUnit. Mix makes a distinction between projects and applications. wallaby. We can use ExUnit’s setup callback for this. Elixir uses the Actor Model for concurrency. Grasp the differences between testing pattern matches vs. equivalence, Add tests for log output and message passing to drive development of new capabilities in our function, and. We can find the generated .app file at _build/dev/lib/kv/ebin/kv.app. Setting up … Since we have specified KV as the module callback, let’s change the KV module defined in lib/kv.ex to implement a start/2 function: Please note that by doing this, we are breaking the boilerplate test case which tested the hello function in KV. In this episode let’s update our application so that users needs to be signed in to view any of the album pages and let’s let tests drive our development. Here, we assert that the binary fuzzy matches the log entry we intend to emit from pmap/2. For this tutorial, you will need a working installation of Elixir 1.3.2, 1.3.3, or 1.3.4. What happens if we intentionally crash the registry started by the supervisor? It’s important to note that this test does not test a pattern match, as it uses the ==, or the equivalence operator. To simulate a generic web application client and server behavior, … Trying to lookup the crashed bucket now (correctly) says the bucket does not exist and a user of the system can successfully create a new one if desired. Now, we have a new problem — the message box for the calling process is empty. The Supervisor behaviour supports many different strategies and we will discuss them in this chapter. For example, a supervisor may restart all children if any child dies. First, let’s write our test and be sure to include the import line for convenience: Running this test will fail, since we’ve not yet build the PMap module, nor the pmap/2 function within that module: The first thing we need to do is define our module and our function, so let’s do so now in lib/pmap.ex: Now, if we run our test again, it should pass just fine. In the (as yet) unwritten Chapter 6, Testing Phoenix,, we’ll cover Elixir’s most used web framework, Phoenix. © 2012–2020 The Elixir Team. How often do you fix it by restarting it? Therefore, an Elixir developer prefers to “let it crash” or “fail fast”. For our final test, let’s add a requirement that the PMap function must log a debug message to indicate that the function has started calculating values. The first requirement we have for our parallel map function is that it simply manages to map values in either a list or a tuple by applying whatever function we provide it. We have to make sure they are in order – hence pattern matching on the pinned task_pid variable. Once a child process is running, the supervisor may restart a child process, either because it terminated abnormally or because a certain condition was reached. In the directory created by Mix, we find a directory called test, which contains two files: The first thing to note is that all of our tests must be contained in Elixir scripts with the .exs extension, not the usual compiled .ex extension. We can see this in practice with the following test: When run, ExUnit will report that this test passed since match is legitimate. If you revisit the KV.Registry.start_link/1 implementation, you will remember it simply passes the options to GenServer: which in turn will register the process with the given name. As we will see in later chapters, there are projects that don’t define any application. This callback is run before each test, and it returns a map ,here named context, that contains whatever information you might want to access during the test. To accomplish those browser-based tests, these posts will use Wallaby, a popular Elixir acceptance testing package. While it's new, it is built on top of the Erlang VM, which is used across the world for distributed and highly available applications by companies such as Amazon, Facebook, and Yahoo. Once we added monitoring, the registry automatically removes the entry for the crashed bucket. While simple, this first test is informative, as it introduces us to a couple of basic but important concepts in unit testing Elixir code. As we will see, Mix has been packaging all of our code into an application, and we will learn how to customize our application to guarantee that our Supervisor and the Registry are up and running whenever our system starts. The application callback module can be any module that implements the Application behaviour. Both tests should pass now. The logger application ships as part of Elixir. As we will see, Elixir developers tend to refer to those practices as “defensive programming”. In doing so, we will exercise a number of Elixir’s functional, concurrent, and message-passing features, while testing that we are using those features as intended. If we were to write software that attempted to protect or circumvent all of those errors, we would spend more time handling failures than writing our own software! Like most test frameworks, ExUnit doesn’t give us many details about tests that pass since we only need to take action on failing tests. Contribute to bugsnag-elixir/bugsnag-elixir development by creating an account on GitHub. Build with Linux, Docker and macOS. Product news, interviews about technology, tutorials and more. Luckily the Elixir testing framework - ExUnit - runs each individual test as it’s own process so we already have the perfect place - the Process dictionary. Mix is the tool that manages your project. This is also true for mix test and many other Mix commands. This is the general idea behind regression tests — keep tests around that will highlight broken functionality that might result from future test-driven code. In the previous chapters, we have always started processes directly. One such service is Semaphore CI, which will import your Elixir project and automatically configure a set of build and test jobs that can run against your code to ensure consistency and sanity. Tests are an integral part of any application. When we invoke iex -S mix, Mix compiles our application and then starts it. #PID<0.116.0>, #PID<0.117.0>, #PID<0.118.0>]. To implement the Application behaviour, we have to use Application and define a start/2 function. We do so by passing a :name option to KV.Registry.start_link/1. So far, our supervisor has a single child, a KV.Registry, which is started with name KV.Registry. Works out of the box with Ecto and Ecto associations. For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll add an extra message send event that will indicate completion of the calculation without being consumed for the return value. The hello_exunit_test.exs script contains a basic test that demonstrates how to assert a basic truth: You can run all tests from the root directory of the project by running: mix test. Think of it a little bit like thread local storage in other languages. If a user tried to read or write to the crashed bucket, it would fail. Make a copy of ElixirTest.sublime-settings file to ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/User/ and make your changes. Now that you have defined an application callback which starts our supervisor, we expect the KV.Registry process to be up and running as soon we start iex -S mix. The rules for starting and stopping an application are also defined in the .app file. Typically we use it to mock modules that depend on 3rd-party services, APIs, internet connection, or system dependencies. What happens if I don't? To start, let’s delete all of the tests from our hello_exunit_test.exs script and start fresh. It’s possible that our function’s implementation could just send messages to itself to “trick” us into thinking multiple tasks ran concurrently, so let’s fix that by introducing a new macro: The refute macro is the opposite of assert – it passes when the expression given does not evaluate to true. Although the change was relatively small, it introduced a question which is frequently asked by Elixir developers: what happens when something fails? We are going to do our first customization soon. For example, a supervisor may restart all children if any child dies. You can learn more about applications and how they relate to booting and shutting down of your system as a whole in the docs for the Application module. Elixir is a functional programming language which is mainly designed for maintaining the distributed and scalable applications. E-Books, articles and whitepapers to help you master the CI/CD. 4 min read. Therefore, if you want to pass a flag to mix or iex -S mix, we just need to add the task name and the desired flags. The first great thing is that mix projects come with Elixir’s builtin testing framework called ExUnit that has the bare essentials for testing out of the box. Explore testing Elixir-specific challenges such as OTP-based modules, asynchronous code, Ecto-based applications, and Phoenix applications. Join discussions on our forum. It is built above Erlang which is helpful in supporting faulty and low tolerant systems. There’s another informative though subtle piece of this test, too. One way to test that we are indeed spawning asynchronous tasks to handle our computation is to have each task send a message back to our pmap/2 function, which we can wait for. This limitation is precisely why we created our own registry (or why one would use Elixir’s built-in Registry module). Armed with this knowledge, you can create test suites that add value to your production cycle and guard you from regressions. Live Preview. Let’s give it a try. Since buckets are started dynamically, they have to be supervised by a special type of supervisor, called DynamicSupervisor, which we will explore next. In Elixir, this is done by a Supervisor. There’s a small detail we’ve missed, though — our asynchronous test doesn’t actually validate that three separate tasks did the calculations. The act of supervising a process includes three distinct responsibilities. You can change this behaviour by giving the --no-start flag to Mix. The binaries look and feel … That’s because a live production system has dozens of different reasons why something can go wrong. When it doesn’t show up, we get the failure message as shown above. Time for our next requirement — pmap/2 should run an asynchronous task to calculate the new value for each element in the list. To do so, Supervisors manage the whole life-cycle of any supervised processes, including startup and shutdown. This time we only had to define a start/2 function. Given we are building a web application, we should begin by writing tests that use a browser to drive the application in the same way our end user will. To answer this question, let’s talk about applications. When we talk about applications, we talk about OTP. If you would rather peek ahead, check the Supervisor docs. Double your developer productivity with Semaphore. In a nutshell, an application consists of all of the modules defined in the .app file, including the .app file itself. mix test — Elixir has an amazing built-in testing framework called ExUnit. It is open source under the CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 license, and available on Hex.pm. When we need to make sure that a particular message is received by the calling process, in this case our test, we use assert_receive/3 to wait for some amount of time , by default 100ms, for a message that matches the pattern we specify to be received. to start the registry during our tests, ExUnit started the registry under a supervisor managed by the ExUnit framework itself. Usage. Testing integration points in your application can be difficult and imperfect. The child_spec/1 function returns the child specification which describes how to start the process, if the process is a worker or a supervisor, if the process is temporary, transient or permanent and so on. A podcast for developers about building great products. Muzak is the mutation testing library that I’ve written for Elixir applications. Whenever we invoke iex -S mix, Mix automatically starts our application by calling Application.start(:kv). Here are the quick steps needed to get our Elixir project built in Semaphore: With this knowledge, we can build stronger and better Elixir projects that can be safely extended and improved thanks to ExUnit. In Elixir, we apply this same approach to software: whenever a process crashes, we start a new process to perform the same job as the crashed process. You can also use mix to scaffold other Elixir based applications using a supervision tree or to start a Phoenix based web app. But we are not done yet. Let’s write the test, and then update our code: Our second test introduces a macro — assert_receive/3. The Application behaviour also has a stop/1 callback, but it is rarely used in practice. One of Elixir’s most powerful features is pattern matching via the = operator. This can be easily solved by adding :infinity as the timeout argument to … Now, let’s update our code, to make the test pass: We’ve introduced a regression. At Elixir, Engineering is responsible for design, development, testing, deployment and maintenance of different products and solutions. In practice, we are not expecting the processes working as buckets to fail. Let’s slightly change our children definition (in KV.Supervisor.init/1) to be a list of tuples instead of a list of atoms: With this in place, the supervisor will now start KV.Registry by calling KV.Registry.start_link(name: KV.Registry). We need to either start each application manually in the correct order or call Application.ensure_all_started as follows: In practice, our tools always start our applications for us, but there is an API available if you need fine-grained control. For example, looking at the tests, I have no idea what the return results are. © 2020 Rendered Text. # it can be useful when debugging or introspecting the system. That’s not the case, Doctests are not tests and you shouldn’t rely on it to make sure your application behaves the way you expect it to. Every time we changed a file and ran mix compile, we could see a Generated kv app message in the compilation output. The disk can fail, memory can be corrupted, bugs, the network may stop working for a second, etc. The problem is that for the longer calculations we can reach the GenServer.call/3 default timeout. As with any code project, a great way to ensure consistent code quality and enforce regression testing is to employ some manner of automatic continuous integration (CI) system to run your tests for you. The first one is to start child processes. Each application in our system can be started and stopped. The process dictionary is an in-memory key/value store that is unique to the current process. Reduce duplication by using an ExUnit “context”. When you run in your favorite terminal iex command, a BEAM instance is started. Our new ebook “CI/CD with Docker & Kubernetes” is out. Consequently, Mox guarantees the mocks for a module be consistent with the original functions they replace during testing. The test_helper.exs script just contains the ExUnit.start() term, which is required before we use ExUnit. A supervisor is a process which supervises other processes, which we refer to as child processes. We stated that our application needs it by specifying it in the :extra_applications list in mix.exs. our .app file) which module is going to implement the application callback. Business teams can work in a familiar application and leverage Elixir Tango content management and inline business rules to create parallel versions based on regulatory and market requirements during creation and review phases. Let’s have a look at its contents: This file contains Erlang terms (written using Erlang syntax). We are going to define a module named KV.Supervisor, which will use the Supervisor behaviour, inside the lib/kv/supervisor.ex file: Our supervisor has a single child so far: KV.Registry. Once we restart the device, we reset the device back to its initial state, which is well-tested and guaranteed to work. For example, run iex -S mix run --no-start: We can stop our :kv application as well as the :logger application, which is started by default with Elixir: And let’s try to start our application again: Now we get an error because an application that :kv depends on (:logger in this case) isn’t started. The :name option expects an atom for locally named processes (locally named means it is available to this machine - there are other options, which we won’t discuss here). Scout APM: Application Performance Monitoring . No credit card required. Once the supervisor starts, it will traverse the list of children and it will invoke the child_spec/1 function on each module. Like any modern engineering team we follow scrum framework for managing our development processes where by we break large product development work into small incremental iterations called sprints. It is rarely used in practice but it allows us to understand the underlying mechanisms better. Insightful tutorials, tips, and interviews with the leaders in the CI/CD space. At the end of the chapter, we will also talk about Applications. This is a case where Elixir’s message passing can help us out. For our current specification, it will call KV.Registry.start_link([]). Let’s give the updated supervisor a try inside iex -S mix: This time the supervisor started a named registry, allowing us to create buckets without having to explicitly fetch the PID from the supervisor. Using such things in Elixir is generally discouraged, so we should try to find a way to test this requirement without using those mechanisms. For more about Elixir, installation and documentation, check Elixir's website. After we define a list of children, we call Supervisor.init/2, passing the children and the supervision strategy. Our new asynchronous test, however, works as expected. When we generated our example project in the previous lesson, mix was helpful enough to create a simple test for us, we can find it at test/example_test.exs: W… Our final test will look as follows: For this test to run, we’ll need to include this line toward the top of the file: This test introduces the capture_log/2 macro, which accepts a function and returns a binary containing any Logger messages that may have been emitted by that function. It contains our application version, all the modules defined by it, as well as a list of applications we depend on, like Erlang’s kernel, elixir itself, and logger. Please see the Supervisor module for a more in-depth discussion. Explore new tools like Mox for mocks and StreamData for property-based testing. But why don't use Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView? When we use Application, we may define a couple of functions, similar to when we used Supervisor or GenServer. Elixir itself is used … A supervisor is a process which supervises other processes, which we refer to as child processes. Have a comment? Finally, a supervisor is also responsible for shutting down the child process… We are getting closer and closer to a fully working system. So far we have started the supervisor and listed its children. No need to install Erlang or untar files. More carefully curated compared to ruby and continues to improve at a great choice: that., or 1.3.4 start the registry crash again, without looking up its PID: it... This guide we only had to define a list of children, we about... Test output more familiar, and then update our code, elixir testing application applications and! Automatically defined when we use application and all of the tests from our function so... 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