Getting a roommate or finding a job are great goals, but the plan should include the steps the client is planning to take to reach these goals; In the planning process determine what agency resources will be used to support the client in finding and securing housing. If the client has legal problems such as the need to do community service, fines, or It is illegal for a person over 18 to have sexual intercourse with a person under age 18. JOBS exempt status for the ninth month of pregnancy and the first Are you receiving Workers' Compensation? For ABAWDs only, documentation from any medical practitioner is acceptable, Thank you Joan for your 101 case management video. XD. Would you be willing to take classes at night to gain skills? I get my most wanted eBook. ); Establish time frames for review of quality of job search and progress towards resolution of other issues. What can you count on the father of the baby for regarding acknowledging paternity, not feel confident making any big decisions without partner, and will not make appointments needed for baby, obtaining a breast pump and attending parenting classes; If immediate employment is not an option, activities could include GED classes, skill Could involve the child care provider and the client; May include the local Child Care Resource & Referral agency; May involve staff from other agencies client has contact with. Determine if there are health issues that need attention; Determine educational status/school attendance. a general practitioner. A case management documentation software system can be configured to require the client record case notations needed. requirements for the various provider types furnishing services. What have you done in the past when you have needed help with a personal problem? Case management is a process that allows companies to reach optimal results for clients. Refer to TANF Section C (. 12. support services, call 800-525-3243. Case notes are electronic and chronological records of events, interactions and observations of a case and are used for case management, appeals and professional reviews. ...your work schedule changes? requirements for the various provider types furnishing services. May include negotiating with parents and relatives for assistance for teen parent, Clients whose health problems preclude immediate employment, seek medical and rehabilitative services to help them become employable; Clients who have been medically determined to be unable to work may apply for SSI/SSD; Clients who are needed in the home to care for dependents with disabilities receive support services to enable them to prepare for employment, unless this puts an undue hardship on the family. Information Notices, American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), Contra Costa County policies and procedures, directives & memos; and Quality Improvement & Utilization Review Department’s interpretation and determination of documentation … Chronic lack of follow-through and inability to get along with others. Recommendations for case management practice include (1) incorporating AD education into the orientation curriculum for new case managers, (2) readdressing the importance of AD documentation in case … When was the last time you saw the doctor? Finally I get this ebook, thanks for all these Case Management Documentation Examples I can get now! Are you struggling with a spouse, partner, friend, parent, child or sibling who you For information on required immunizations, call Health Have you lost a job for excessive absence? etc.? Since each system is unique, the Use Case Document … Thank you Joan for your 101 case management video. (clinical findings, psychological or psychiatric evaluations or testing x-ray reports); What treatment or other things the doctor thinks will improve the health condition auditable document for each Medicare case that provides permanent evidence of your UR process? Example 2: Suzy. What type of work are you interested in seeking? Clients who are able to work, even though they have health problems, seek employment. Local: Local services to homeless youth, homeless youth shelters, WIA; Central Office: Information resource person. Appendix C Staffing Form Example Appendix D Sample Documentation Policies and Procedures Appendix E Resources. Case managers should reassess patients every day so they can adjust the case management … Other agencies or persons will need to obtain the documents directly from the original source. Developing a plan should be as empowering as possible for the client; Safety issues must be considered regarding all activities and expectations; For counseling/therapy related to the effects of domestic violence, refer the client Local: Client's health plan, county health clinic, chemical dependency treatment For information Explore carpooling; Identify what support payments will be needed: transportation, child care, etc. Have you lost jobs because you were too slow? Is there anyone who can care for your child/spouse with disabilities while you work? this is the first one which worked! If a teen parent returns to live with their parents and the parents' deemed income is Explore Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (OVRS) for those needing rehabilitative services; Explore SSI /SSD for those unable to perform any work; Explore the DHS Spousal Pay Program for two-parent families where one parent is on SSI How easy is it for you to follow written instructions? case plan for clients applying for SSI/SSD and clients with severe medical problems who It highlights important Federal and State Medicaid documentation regulations and rules. you wanted to go? ); A woman may breast-feed her infant in public. It is a tool used for reviewing the details of the case during the presentation and the documentation . In this post I discuss the two primary notes that case … need and seeking access to or creation of a resource. Use prospective budgeting to determine income amount for ERDC. Assess parenting skills; Determine if the teen is able to select appropriate child care; Obtain information on the client's educational background/school attendance; Determine if the teen parent has a history of child welfare involvement; Determine if the infant/child is developmentally on target; Evaluate potential for early attachment to work; How would you describe your living situation? Pushing, grabbing, shoving, slapping, hitting, restraining? counseling; Determine what agency resources will be used to support the activities; Domestic violence service providers should be involved in the development of the plan. been physical, sexual or emotional abuse? I have been away from case management and your video helped me to get back to what I really enjoy doing. to assist in making joint plans. While there are several different types and names for case … How do you feel about paying child support? work? Will the condition improve to the point where the child/spouse with disabilities will not need a high level of care? What would you do if your children become sick? Family issues focal point; noncustodial parents. Other agencies or persons will need to obtain the documents directly from the original source. It is important to coordinate planning closely with staff in JOBS program. of a breast-fed infant will miss fewer days of work because her infant will be healthier. Program code "E2" on a new case. What were Record health related activities (MH, ME, SS) on TRACS. It’s the coordination of business services on behalf of a case, usually an individual customer. To meet the incapacity deprivation requirement for TANF, one parent must have a medical Assist client with accessing other agency services; For youth not in school, consider helping the individual access the Job Corps, YESS Is the child/spouse's disability progressive or chronic? What help (if any) have you accessed related to housing? eBook includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version. life will experience health, nutritional and developmental benefits. For casework planning must substantially reduce or eliminate the parent's ability to support or care for their Case management consists of these elements. Did the doctor Contacting community partners with whom the client is involved, or may be involved with in the future, by phone to advise them of Department of Human Services (DHS)/JOBS activities and to determine the need for joint planning; Arranging a formal meeting of all partners to staff the client and develop a joint Do you have concerns about your relationship with your children's mother? A case note documentation system that’s built for collaboration on the web can provide your organization the netwo… Clients with stable housing are more likely to find and maintain employment. Is it safe? View the development of the child care plan as an integral part of the client's What do you think you need to do to continue breast-feeding your infant after you ... Case Management is a catch-all term that may have different meanings to our clients, the public, and within various organizations. Case … What grade have you completed? Family issues focal point; health issues (physical, mental, intellectual). Staffing is consulting or meeting with partners regarding clients' service needs (Executive order EO-99-10, signed by Governor John Kitzhaber June 24, 1999. Resources are used or developed to meet client needs. Having the right case management tools for your organization means streamlined processes that can benefit the clients and the bottom line. engaging in activities to move themselves toward self-sufficiency within the parameters of ); Staffings should be done early on if the client is already involved with other agencies such as OVRS, State Accidental Insurance Fund (SAIF). What has your employer said to you about how you are doing on the job? If so, can they be resolved outside of work or job search hours? Do you need help with following recipes, going shopping, keeping a checkbook, using If so, for what problem? See policy for exceptions to the waiver regarding citizenship, Examples of disabilities requiring spousal care are: cancer, Lou Gehrig's disease, MS, CP. Code waivers related to domestic violence on TRACS. An assessment of the level of care is determined, and a service plan is created. such as Project YESS; May include Child Welfare, A&D treatment provider if appropriate, juvenile authorities. ; Establish time frames for review of job search; Identify steps to resolve issues that might hinder employment. If not, explore safe alternatives. Assess whether or not housing is a factor that is impacting the client's ability to follow through with JOBS activities or as a reason they have lost jobs. Enter PE, other activity codes and attendance on TRACS. Family issues focal point; pregnant women and women with infants. Children who are 18 years old are not eligible for cash assistance unless they are daily living: eating, dressing/grooming, bathing/personal hygiene, mobility, bowel/bladder management, and cognition (and behavior). However, DHS is Follow the process in the branch plan for identifying domestic violence; Check the application (items #5 and #6) to see if the response indicates domestic violence. Staffing with the Department of Child Support (DCS) or the district attorney may need to occur regarding paternity and child support issues; Staffings may include WIC and community health nurses regarding health issues, Do you have your IEP from school? billing DHS, help with collecting the copay from clients); Exploring with the local Child Care Resource & Referral agency what services or medical disability; Determine if the children's immunizations are up to date; On an ongoing basis, evaluate whether the work hours or JOBS activity hours correspond with the provider billed hours; Obtain the name, address and phone number of the child care provider; Determine whether the provider is a family provider or center; Discuss the implications for child care of odd work hours; Assist the client in problem solving on obtaining and retaining child care; Coach the client about the need to obtain a provider who can accommodate such things as overtime, alternatives for sick kids or sick providers, etc. s. Explore whether respite care is available for the dependent with disabilities; To explore eligibility for the Spousal Pay Program, make a referral to the local SPD And by having access to our ebooks online or by storing it on your computer, you have convenient answers with Case Management Documentation Examples . If so, this means you cannot give copies of these documents to any other agency or person. required to report payments of more than $600 in one year to the IRS. Have alcohol or drug use led to problems for you? DOCUMENT NEEDED NOT INTERESTED COMPLETED ... Receives Service Needs Receives AIDS Clinical Trials Advanced Directives Budget Counseling Burial Assistance Case Management Care … certificate (GED class, return to high school, alternative high school); After educational goal is met, include job preparation and job search activities; If living situation is not safe, establish activities to lead to a safer situation; Consider including a developmental assessment of the child through a Medicheck screening; Include expectation on attendance at school and time frames for evaluation of progress; Include participation in District Teen Parent program; Become employed as soon as possible after completing their high-school-level education; Know the importance of assuming responsibility for personal choices; Understand short- and long-term consequences of safe, risky and harmful behaviors; Know communication strategies for avoiding potentially harmful situations; i.e., refusal skills and resistance to peer pressure; Know how to access community agencies that advocate for healthy How are your child care arrangements working out now that you are employed? Be aware of confidentiality issues regarding the release of information on child support reference card for staff use; domestic violence library materials for staff use (books and videos), contact Central Office; Domestice Violence Staff Tools Web page link: - Restraining order information and other legal resources at. How many have you had? How does it affect your ability to work? How did that work for you? The agency will not continue to pay for child care if the client fails to pay the copay to the provider. Consider including activities such as attendance at WIC classes, obtaining immunizations Determine if parent needs help in obtaining employment; Determine if parent has any issues that need to be addressed before job search can begin; Determine if parent needs help resolving family issues such as visitation; Determine if parent has A&D or other health issues; Determine if parent needs assistance in stabilizing their living situation; Determine if parent needs help with parenting issues; Determine if a modification of the support order is needed. Joint case planning with the client and Community Action agencies or other housing programs that address housing stabilization or self sufficiency may reduce the likelihood of long-term housing issues; Obtain the client's permission before discussing their case with other agencies. The importance of good documentation can not be overemphasized. Results of medical evaluations, who did it, the date done; do tickler for dates progress is to be evaluated, dates for expiration of doctor's notes, treatment will be completed, expiration dates for release of information forms. Women who are breast-feeding their infants are encouraged and supported in their efforts nurses, medical providers and early intervention programs such as Healthy Start. Anger management classes and family counseling are not considered appropriate treatment for abusers. Use "DV" activity code when clients participate in activities directly You should document whether Joe got the pillbox and used his alarm and whether he is taking his medications as prescribed. Service requests. Health issues (physical disabilities, mental health, intellectual functioning). How would these individuals support you or be a barrier to your participation in activities? providers from the local Child Care Resource & Referral agency (information on the Just select your click then download button, and complete an offer to start downloading the ebook. ); Consider consulting with Disability Liaison for appropriateness of activities given In, summary documentation is a critical aspect of case management and any human service profession. Have any issues regarding your children caused you to lose a job? Are there family issues that need attention so that you can keep your job? Local: Child Care Resource & Referral agencies; Central Office: Direct Pay Unit, information resource person; For obtaining immunizations: OHP, county health department, 800-SAFENET for those This may include consideration of whether Arrangements for transportation and child care, support service payments, progress towards goals. Central Office: WIC brochures can be ordered through Distribution Services; For locations of WIC program, call 800-723-3638. you using and how often? Results of evaluations, who did it, the date done; do tickler for dates progress is to be evaluated, dates for expiration of doctor's notes, date treatment will be completed, expiration dates for release of information forms. Local: Child Welfare, School District, Park Department for recreation programs; Identify what needs to be done to help the children be successful in school; Identify any health needs and assign activities to resolve them; Determine steps needed to coordinate services among agencies helping family; May include requiring the client to meet partner agencies' expectations. You show the importance of case noting … planning or eligibility determination: Medical documentation is acceptable only from medical and osteopathic doctors, Would you like help in developing a safety plan for you and your children? plans to work; Do you have any concerns about your baby? Put E in the JOBS status field; use the WTW case descriptor if the parent meets the welfare to work criteria or is a participant in the District 5 and 6 obligor JOBS program. Case management progress notes tend to be more detailed due to the long-term nature of the services. may be available to the client and child care provider; Provide information on DHS payment systems and policies to child care providers. programs, psychologists, psychiatrists. Is it possible to obtain that type of job within commuting distance? Determine if the client is receiving prenatal care/vitamins; Determine if immunizations for infants/toddlers and mothers are up to date; Determine if the client is prepared for the arrival of the baby, i.e., clothes, More than ever, it plays a vital role in the business workflow as companies shift … with taking steps to resolve their health problems. An employed mother What did the doctor say? If so, how? Look for patterns of behavior that indicate A&D issues; Use A&D screening and assessment providers to identify these issues as early as as part of the local JOBS program component for teen parents. SSI and Incap case descriptors, medical review date, work status codes. A Case Managers documentation assists in clinical management, justifies interventions and expenses, and defends from negligence. Information about local providers is available at: A&D and Mental Health (MH) service providers for referral to drug/alcohol-free housing. Assist client in accessing services of other agencies. Also, Coach parent on how to access community services for housing, help with visitation, etc. Pregnant women give birth to healthy infants; Pregnant women and women with infants prepare for employment by making satisfactory child care arrangements and taking care of the children's basic health needs; Women are encouraged and supported in their efforts to breast-feed their infants, How hopeful do you feel right now about the future for you and your family? ), community health Client has low energy, fatigue and has trouble making decisions. For the Spousal Pay Program, the care giver is paid to care for the dependent spouse with disabilities if the spouse with disabilities needs help with four out of six activities of Appearance, attire and hygiene are less than Example 2: Suzy. The development of assessments determine eligibility and planning services. Entry in these fields generates the CCB if the listing information is on the system. related to Domestic Violence Intervention. Staffings should be done early on, and include the domestic violence service provider and others assisting the client in leaving and staying away from the violence; Obtain the client's permission before discussing the case with other agencies; Domestic violence service providers may accompany clients to DHS interviews; Domestic violence service providers may be willing to accompany staff on home visits. self-sufficiency plan for which the client and the case manager share responsibility; Coach the client on how to locate and select a quality child care provider using the “Four Steps to Select Your Child Care Provider” in the. Evaluate whether the treatment and other services the client receives is moving the organizations requiring you to do? mental health problems need to be evaluated by a psychologist or psychiatrist, not Noncustodial parent's needs, visitation issues, child support issues including when payment began, modification of support order. To get started finding Case Management Documentation Examples , you are right to find our website which has a comprehensive collection of manuals listed. purposes only, documentation is acceptable from licensed social workers, licensed Work status focal point; almost ready to work. Clients under age 20 for 16 weeks after the birth of their child. Case notations can be entered digitally, maintaining standardized responses, and reducing the time to document cases – especially with online case management documentation … Situational health needs can be defined as time-limited episodes of instability. limited intellectual functioning, contact OVRS, sheltered workshops, Goodwill; Central Office: Disability Liaisons, information resource person; Other: Prepaid Health Plan Coordinators (DMAP) and Exceptional Needs Care Coordinators if they agree. Determine if the children are attending school regularly; Determine if there are any children's issues that need attention to avoid interfering with the parent's employment; Determine if the client is involved with partner/other agencies regarding their children; Determine if Head Start would be an appropriate option for the child. More … You can access information about local resources at: Domestic violence service providers for emergency shelter and possibly transitional housing. Are you prepared at home for the baby's birth? If the abuser is present, do not discuss or offer the items listed under Tools. Narrate name, address, phone number of child care providers and which one is the primary provider. How long have you lived at your present address? What are you doing to prevent additional pregnancies? Are there personal resources such as transportation, child care that you can use? for self and baby, obtaining prenatal care, birth preparatory classes, obtaining equipment Are there any family problems? The following groups are exempt from disqualification for noncooperation with JOBS: pregnant women age 20 and older, who are in their ninth month; and clients 20 and older during the six months after giving birth. possible; Be alert to behavior that indicates relapse; Be alert to the possibility of other health issues, caused by, or related to, If so, what are these Situational health needs can be defined as time-limited episodes of instability. Could you work if you had some accommodation made for you on the job? Does Do you need support to continue breast-feeding your infant? Other JOBS activities such as Life Skills may be useful; Identify steps to secure adequate transportation, child care, and back-up arrangements. ; Local: Mediation services, local DCS office; Identify activities that will lead to employment; Identify steps toward resolving family-related issues; Include any other child support related activities. Other partners may include the Employment Department, WIA, temporary agencies, Dislocated Worker programs. Clients are not responsible for the abuse they receive, but they are accountable for The condition Enter data in the WSIT screen to generate a JCCB. For employment opportunities for clients with Assist the client in locating appropriate housing resources. Central Office: information resource person. Teens (nonpregnant) on OHP or OHP/SNAP not living with parents/relatives. Is it safe? Are you afraid of your partner or ex-partner? Consider including the noncustodial parent's case manager in staffings, if the parent Al-Anon, NA; Central Office: Disability Liaisons, information resource person. completion of the listing form and the criminal background check; Explain the relationship between DHS and the child care provider (the client is Have the client report to you the name, address and phone numbers of the child care providers; Set appropriate time frames for obtaining a child care provider. Some medical documents may have "Not for further release" stamped on them. Information Notices, American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), Contra Costa County policies and procedures, directives & memos; and Quality Improvement & Utilization Review Department’s interpretation and determination of documentation standards. What has the doctor said about why you are needed in the home to care for your Local: district point person for domestic violence, support groups and other services offered by local domestic violence service provider; Central Office: For calls on second or subsequent requests for TA-DVS within 12 months; Survivors may be eligible for unemployment if job loss was a result of domestic violence. Check the application to see if there is any information about health problems. How is the day care arrangement working out for you and your children? by the Child Care Division; The client, not DHS, is the employer of the child care provider. Keep in mind that family members may need more than one focal point of case management. Tell me about what you think will keep you safe. and become employed as soon as possible. individuals and families. ... Case Management is a catch-all term that may have different meanings to our clients, the public, and within various organizations. Have you worked with, or considered working with, a domestic violence resource advocate on safety planning? - If no, would you be interested in working with one? Staffing could mean: Brokering is guiding clients to appropriate community resources and doing followup to determine effectiveness. socially acceptable. How would you describe your appetite and sleeping patterns? Case management is a process that allows companies to reach optimal results for clients. For some, this means rehabilitation occurs first; For others, it means pursuing SSI/SSD if they appear likely to meet the program's criteria; For clients caring for dependents with disabilities, it means receiving agency help in exploring alterative care and resources and engaging in employment preparation activities unless this creates a hardship for the family. Medical documentation must include the following items to be useful for case management planning or eligibility determination: Description of the health problem (diagnosis); … What do you think you could do to solve the problems that caused the job losses? Work status focal point; retention and wage enhancement. Needed in home to care for child/spouse with disabilities. Oregon Telephone Assistance Program (OTAP) at 800-848-4442, or TTY users at 800-648-3458; Plans related to addressing housing issues should be specific. Is the Intensive CASE MANAGEMENT. a stove or washing machine, etc.? Use "DVS" Need/Resource code on new and currently open program 2, 82, P2 and M5 cases with the first month of eligibility. Frequent visits to hospital emergency rooms. Now for the second example … Health Management Corporation Specializes in the following: Disease Management/Advanced Care Management/Health Education/Risk Identification/Health Needs Assessment (AccuStrat)/24 hour nurse line/On-Site Health Screenings and Worksite Wellness/Maternity Management… without partner. Support services may be available from WIC (nutrition classes, etc. Case notes not only are a set of reminders of a previous interaction but also document referrals and decisions, identify setbacks, provide helpful insights, and can also be used as an evidence. Sample forms for performing key case management processes and completing documentation are now available. or concerns about children. Case notes should tell a comprehensive and sequential story of your client contact and progress. FSML - 55 CM-WG #1 10/01/09 Case Management Examples Page - 3 • Getting feedback from clients on effectiveness of brokered resource; • Advocating with partners in behalf of the client. May involve school personnel such as teachers, social worker or counselor; May need coordinating with parent-teacher conferences; Child Welfare staff may need to be involved; Coordination among agencies serving the family may be needed. It is a tool used for reviewing the details of the case during the presentation and the documentation . Medical documentation must include the following items to be useful for case management ; are there any issues regarding your children interested in working with, or make difficult. Search hours that would interfere with your children eligibility purposes Examples of disabilities requiring spousal care are:,... Wage enhancement after their being kept away from family and friends, prevented from leaving home... Documentation … auditable document for each Medicare case that provides permanent evidence of your children they... Any medical practitioner is acceptable, and need not contain the depth of information on required immunizations, call services! 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