Your employer does not have to cover expenses that you incur for your convenience only — though they might choose to. Concerning nonexempt employees, however, employers need to not only keep track of and pay for any overtime worked, but managers also need to e… Like most of the other states who require it, California says that employers must reimburse at-home workers for "all necessary expenditures or losses" they incur while performing their jobs. If you have questions about any of these matters, contact an employment law attorney as soon as possible. – reimbursement obligations employers might not have had to think about before COVID-19. Protecting The Rights Of WorkersThroughout California, On behalf of GrahamHollis APC | Apr 10, 2020 | wage & hour law. A sound telework … California employers must reimburse employees for business expenses that are "the direct consequence" of discharging work duties. And now that many employees are using their home internet, the business portion of their internet bill is reimbursable, even if they would have had a home internet plan before. The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) encourages the use of teleworking and telecommuting where it's a viable option and clearly defines the benefits to the employee and management. Where the use of equipment is for both personal and business use, such as a cellphone, and the actual cost of an employee’s cellphone use for work cannot be determined — for example, if an employee has an unlimited minutes/texting plan — the employer is required to reimburse the employee for a “reasonable percentage” of the personal cellphone bill. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. © 2020 GrahamHollis APC. As businesses and individuals try to ascertain what the new normal will look like, one thing is clear: the workplace as we’ve known it is transforming. Exactly what qualifies as "necessary expenditures" can vary from state to state, however. What may be reasonable in one instance might not be in another. Do I have to pay for a work uniform or buy my store’s clothes in California? Types of Work-Related Expenses Requiring Reimbursement. All is not necessarily lost for employees forced to work at home. Additionally, any California business with one or more employees must carry worker’s compensation insurance. Employers should also consider California specific rules with regard to overtime and reimbursement for home office costs. This will help combat employees sitting on reimbursement requests for months or years, but ultimately the deadline to submit a reimbursement request will depend on state specific laws where they exist. Apply to Call Center Representative, Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Account Representative and more! Expense reimbursement lawsuits were already commonplace before the pandemic, and with no end in sight to the pandemic and employees working from home, employers can expect additional lawsuits to be filed. All Rights Reserved. Other states (like Alaska and Arkansas) require reimbursement only if equipment purchased by employees for work-related purposes “cannot be used during normal social activities of the employee” or if the purchase/expense would bring the employees compensation “below minimum wage.” (8 Alaska Admin Code Section 15.165; Code of Arkansas Rules and Regs., 010-14-107(B).). In a handful of states, employers must reimburse employees for all expenditures incurred in performing their duties at home. The world is a different place today than it was a month ago – or even a week ago. Under the California labor code, section 2802, all business use of a personal cell phone must be reimbursed. Mandatory remote work expenses must be reimbursed in California. For those employees not required to go to the office location, document that they are serving at, and for, the convenience of the employer by working from their home location for the employer’s business purposes. In a handful of states, employers must reimburse employees for all expenditures incurred in performing their duties at home. In California, that can include home internet bills. Alaska, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Washington, DC all have enacted statutes which bear on expense reimbursement. Home-bound employees must use their home internet to perform work, but is it reimbursable? Rather, an employer should assess on a case-by-case basis the expenses incurred by an employee and make a reasonable determination as to what the proper level of reimbursement is for the expense claimed. California law only requires reimbursement of expenses that are necessary to perform your work duties. As remote work takes off, the issue of home-office reimbursements could become a legal one, said Josh Henderson, a labor lawyer and partner at Norton Rose Fulbright. CalHR also feels that the communication between employers and other employees is key to an effective home-work environment. In fact, employees throughout California may be owed significant compensation for basic work-from-home expenses. Baker & Hostetler LLP publications are intended to inform our clients and other friends of the firm about current legal developments of general interest. This was true before the pandemic; but now that more employees than ever are working from home, there are still a … They can ask their employer to reimburse them for their home office expenses. Generally, the burden is on the employer to make sure employees are getting reimbursed for business-related expenses. California employers must reimburse employees for business expenses that are "the direct consequence" of discharging work duties. California law only requires reimbursement of expenses that are necessary to perform your work duties. Exempt employees are easier to manage remotely because the hours worked are not as important as ensuring that a particular assignment or project is completed by a set deadline, Shaw says. Several states have also enacted their own expense reimbursement laws that either meet or exceed the standard set forth in the FLSA. For example, construction crews work at one site for one week and drive from home straight to the job and next week they finish and start a new job in a different City. Can my boss fire me for filing a claim for travel expenses? Of course, the transition back to the office will most likely not be instant, so it’s good to be prepared for post-pandemic remote work reimbursement tax implications. ),” the DOL reiterated that “[e]mployers may not require employees who are covered by the FLSA to pay or reimburse the employer for such items that … Additionally, any California business with one or more employees must carry worker’s compensation insurance. In California, that can include home internet bills. It is illegal for an employer to retaliate … Mileage reimbursement rates do not necessarily have to be set at the IRS rate, but use caution. However, there are some costs that employers know employees will incur on a monthly basis and so it may make sense to provide a reimbursement on a more periodic basis. Employers requiring employees to work from home during COVID-19 quarantines should promptly review and update their expense reimbursement policies. In a handful of states, employers must reimburse employees for all expenditures incurred in performing their duties at home. If you are unable to work (or telework) because you are caring for a child whose school or place of care has been closed, or whose child care provider is unavailable, for reasons related to COVID-19. Not doing so could subject an employer to potential liability. International Trade and National Security, White Collar, Investigations and Securities Enforcement and Litigation, Blockchain Technologies and Digital Currencies, U.S. Consumer Privacy, the CCPA and the CPRA, BakerHostetler Takes Action Against Racial Injustice, Diversity and Inclusion Organization Sponsorships. Navigating Expense Reimbursement For “Work From Home” Employees. Of course, the transition back to the office will most likely not be instant, so it’s good to be prepared for post-pandemic remote work reimbursement tax implications. The California Labor Code – and, consequently, Section 2802 – only … Costs of working remotely or working from home, including home office equipment, supplies and internet service, Work-related use of a personal vehicle (mileage reimbursement), Purchase of a cellphone for work-related use or reimbursement of a reasonable percentage of your personal cellphone bill if your employer requires you to use your personal cellphone for work-related purposes, Time for work-related communications, whether by email, chat, phone or walkie-talkie, Purchase and maintenance of work-related uniforms, Cost of purchasing other tools or supplies you need to do your job. Disclaimer | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Business Development Solutions by FindLaw, part of Thomson Reuters, California law requires employers to reimburse employees for work-from-home costs. Due to the unusual circumstances posed by COVID-19, at the time of this article’s writing, you can provide your employees with a qualified disaster payment without worrying about taxes. Employers should also reassess their employee reimbursement policies in order to ensure they remain compliant. Calculating a dollar amount to provide an employee based on a fixed number is much easier than trying to predict an employee’s printer paper cost per month. Expense Reimbursement for Employees Working Remotely. Reimbursement of Work-Related Expenses Employees who don't typically work from home may not have a home office. This was true before the pandemic. Before you decide, ask us to send you written information about our qualifications and experience. Authorship Credit: Carter Norfleet and Shareef Farag. If your work requires you … Employers don’t have to pay their non-exempt (hourly) employees for an ordinary commute to and from work, even if an employee reports to different locations. Lab. When employees work from home and/or set their own working hours, an … 115,9.5; Mont. HRCalifornia was created by CalChamber to help members easily navigate and comply with California’s complex world of employment law. In Mid-March, much of the nation’s workforce began working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A Legal Overview of Work From Home Reimbursement. An employer will want to maintain records as to reimbursements made to employees and the rationale behind those reimbursement amounts. The … For example, employees may now (and for the foreseeable future) be incurring expenses related to printer paper, pencils, pens, cell phone expenses, home internet bills, etc. Section 2802 applies to every kind of expense an employee might incur in performing a job and includes the cost of home internet service where work from home is required. Code. If an employer knows that an employee will regularly incur a certain business-related/work-related expense, it can choose to increase that employee’s salary to cover the costs of those expenses. We use plain language to provide a better understanding of how the ever-changing employment and labor laws impact your business. California’s law has been interpreted to require reimbursement of a “reasonable percentage” of an employee’s monthly bill for Internet or mobile device data plan, even if the employee does not incur any additional cost for using the Internet or mobile device for work (e.g., unlimited data plan). Ann. Remote work expenses traditionally have not been reimbursable under California law because telecommuting and remote work opportunities are not mandated by the employer, as many companies have optional work-from-home programs that are at the employees' convenience, and such employees continue to have the option to work in their … This can be tricky, however, as the employer must be sure to document/identify the amount of compensation attributable to the expense actually incurred. Is work from home reimbursement taxable? However, given the shift to remote work occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic, employers will want to be mindful of the ways in which their employees are working and business-related expenses are being incurred to ensure employees are being properly reimbursed per applicable federal and state law. In California… Stat. Both the employer and employee should be clear about expectations and develop a mutually agreed upon system for record-keeping and hours worked. Expenses associated with maintaining a home office could also be reimbursable since it is now required to have a physical space at home devoted to company work, until the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. At the moment only 38% of employers say they are providing financial support for remote workers by way of reimbursement, allowances or subsidies, according to benefits consulting firm Mercer. Sabrina Beldner, David Greenspan, Matthew Kane, Sylvia Kim, Kerri Sakaue, Amy Morrissey Turk. With employees having historically worked in an office environment, many of the supplies and resources they utilized to complete their job duties were provided for by the employer (i.e., printer paper, pens/pencils, computers, electricity, computer monitors, internet, phones, etc.) Reimbursement may also be necessary under California law even when an employee does not incur additional out of pocket costs. Accordingly, we offer the following guidance: Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), an employee is entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred on the employer’s behalf if that expense brings the earnings of an employee below the federal minimum wage. A telecommuting employee injured in the home office may file a workers' compensation claim. Those eligible will have the rebuttable presumption if they tested positive for COVID-19 or were diagnosed with COVID-19 and confirmed by a positive test within 14 days of performing a labor or service at a place of work after the stay at home order was issued on March 19, 2020. California’s law has been interpreted to require reimbursement of a “reasonable percentage” of an employee’s monthly bill for Internet or mobile device data plan, even if the employee does not incur any additional cost for using the Internet or mobile device for work (e.g., unlimited data plan). Whether you work from home or not, these are the most common types of work-related expenses that employees incur and that employers must reimburse: California law also requires employers to cover any legal expenses (attorneys’ fees) an employee incurs to enforce the rights granted by Section 2802. Working from home has recently become the new normal, leaving office buildings empty and employees, at all levels, seeking out new ways to connect, collaborate and get their jobs done. Judge approves $78 million settlement for helicopter workers. Is work from home reimbursement taxable? Like most of the other states who require it, California says that employers must reimburse at-home workers for "all necessary expenditures or losses" they incur while performing their jobs. The law is intended to prevent employers from passing on their operating expenses to their employees. Employers requiring employees to work from home during COVID-19 quarantines should promptly review and update their expense reimbursement policies. Because they are now required to use their home internet for work purposes, it is covered under CA labor code 2802 and similar state labor codes. Up to an additional 10 weeks of paid leave for employees who work for public employers or private employers with fewer than 500 employees. The California Department of Human Resources believes the option to work remotely has great benefits for California State employees, which is why they have encouraged remote work in certain positions. An Employer’s Duty to Reimburse. If providing employees reimbursements on a periodic basis, an employer should perform an analysis to ascertain an amount of reimbursement that is adequate to cover the actual expense incurred by the employee. BakerHostetler is here to assist employers navigating the issues surrounding employee expense reimbursement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under California Labor Code Section 2802 and court decisions in Gattuso v. Harte-Hanks Shoppers, Inc ., 42 Cal.4th 554 (2007) and Cochran v. Schwan’s Home Service, Inc., 228 Cal.App.4th 1137 (2014), employers are required to reimburse employees for all “necessary” and “reasonable” expenses. If so, you may consider offering work-from-home reimbursement to help workers cover remote-related expenses. California law requires employers to provide "a healthful and safe" work environment even when employees are working from home. That includes expenses you might incur while working from home. Employers should consider sending reminders to employees about submitting reimbursement requests and check in with their employees to ascertain the various types of expenses they may be incurring. The “mileage reimbursement method” is the most common way employers reimburse employees for personal automobile expenses and requires the employee to track all mileage driven for work. Reimbursements The California Labor Code requires employers to cover "all necessary expenditures or losses" that workers incur while doing their jobs. California’s Labor Code Section 2802 normally requires employers to reimburse employees for “reasonable” and “necessary” expenses incurred while performing their job duties. Now, individuals who normally come into an office and use the resources there to conduct business may be using their own laptops, Internet, and carving out office space in their apartments and homes. Over the last few years, California has led the way in efforts to gain reimbursement for employees of many different work-related expenses. These are not typical expenses that employers would reimburse. (Cal. For employees: What happens when you file a wage and hour claim in California? In California, that can include home internet bills. And depending on your state, you might not have a choice. Do I have to pay for a work uniform or buy my store’s clothes in California? Ensure that flexible workplace policies … Navigating Expense Reimbursement For “Work From Home” Employees. ; but now that more employees than ever are working from home, there are still a lot of questions. CalHR also feels that the communication between employers and other employees is key to an effective home-work environment. However, because of the “new normal” of working from home, employers must vigilantly analyze the types of expenses their employees are incurring for business-related purposes and provide reimbursement accordingly. Section 39-2-701(1)). Employers should have a written reimbursement policy that requires employees to submit reimbursement requests by a certain deadline after the expense is incurred. Exactly what qualifies as "necessary expenditures" can vary from state to state, however. Remote work is not a new concept, and for those who have been working from home before the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, it’s business as usual, Shaw tells Frank. 180,485 Work From Home jobs available in California on Sabrina Beldner, David Greenspan, Matthew Kane, Sylvia Kim, Kerri Sakaue, Amy Morrissey Turk. Read on to learn what a work-from-home reimbursement covers, tax details, and state guidelines. Some states (like California, Illinois, and Montana) have more robust reimbursement laws in that employers are required to reimburse employees for all “necessary expenditures or losses” or “business expenses” incurred by the employee in direct consequence or discharge of his or her duties. Companies do, however, have to pay such employees for travel that they require as part of the job, including travel that is substantially longer than an ordinary commute. Nondiscriminatory Application of Work-From-Home Policies. The employer is also required to pay interest at a rate of 10% per year on any unreimursed expenses incurred by the employee. Mileage reimbursement rates do not necessarily have to be set at the IRS rate, but use caution. The following reimbursement rates for meals and incidentals are maximums, not allowances. If California does not require employers to pay for mileage from home to work, but the work address is constantly changing, how is this handled? This approach is likely effective for employers in dealing with cell phone reimbursements as an employee’s cell phone bill is usually a fixed cost. Labor Code section 3600 states that an employer is liable “for any injury sustained by his or her employees arising out of and in the course of the employment.” Liability for an injury sustained by an … It should be noted that what constitutes “reasonable” is a fact specific exercise and that employers should approach each employee reimbursement request as such. Some states (like California, Illinois, and Montana) have more robust reimbursement laws in that employers are required to reimburse … These include California, Illinois, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Montana, and New Hampshire. Working From Home: California Among The Few States Where People Can Deduct Some Business Expenses (CNN/CBS13) — If you’ve been working from home much of this year, you’ve probably spent some money trying to make your living space more conducive for working. Those costs can include the purchase of … The best practice is to reimburse an employee for a necessary business-related expense even if an employer is not made aware of the expense by the employee. The Mileage Reimbursement Method. This was true before the pandemic; but now that more employees than ever are Read More » Ann. With this unprecedented shift in working habits, employers may be overlooking business-related expenses being incurred by their employees. Main Office3555 Fifth AvenueSuite 200San Diego, CA 92103. In California… Second, California employers must pay their remote employees for all time worked. There is no exception to this requirement for employees who work remotely. Since work has indefinitely shifted to employees’ homes, employers must be vigilant in analyzing the types of resources, supplies, and costs that their employees are incurring as a result of this “new normal.” Employers should consider reimbursing costs such as a reasonable percentage of use for things like home electricity, personal cell phones, printer paper, pens/pencils, etc. In California, that can include home internet bills. Establish, operate and maintain the home office, equipment, devices, and services associated with the telework arrangement; Comply with tax laws. Due to the unusual circumstances posed by COVID-19, at the time of this article’s writing, you can provide your employees with a qualified disaster payment without worrying about taxes. Although the current situation is a far cry from business as usual, California companies must nonetheless follow the state’s labor laws, including those governing meal and rest breaks for … So how do you calculate mileage reimbursement for employees working from home? The California Labor Code – and, consequently, Section 2802 – only … The … In some states employers are required by state law to reimburse their employees for their necessary job expenses. Are you getting paid your rightful overtime wages? For example, California allows an employee up to three years to submit a reimbursement request. Employers typically save money when people work from home, for a range of reasons — from spending less on office space to getting more of a worker's time when their commute is eliminated. Alaska, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Washington, DC all have enacted statutes which bear on expense reimbursement. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and state and local quarantines, many employers directed employees to work from home. Employers requiring employees to work from home during COVID-19 quarantines should promptly review and update their expense reimbursement policies. For example, if an employee incurs a business expense in a state governed by the FLSA (or a state with reimbursement laws mirroring the FLSA rule), it is the employer’s burden to determine whether that expense brings the employee’s compensation below minimum wage, and if so, to reimburse that employee accordingly. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and state and local quarantines, many employers directed employees to work from home. An employer is likely not responsible for the entire personal cell phone bill of an employee simply because that employee uses his/her personal cell phone for work purposes. Section 2802; 820 Ill. Comp. (CalHR is not responsible for substantiating a teleworker's claim of tax deductions for operation of a home office used to perform State work. If your work requires you … In fact, employees throughout California may be owed significant compensation for basic work-from-home expenses. Working remotely is legal in California, and it carries unique considerations. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and state and local quarantines, many employers directed employees to work from home. That includes expenses you might incur while working from home. As a result, many employers had to rapidly adjust to utilizing a virtual workforce. Prop 22 in California: What changes for drivers and what stays the same? The safest way to monitor employee reimbursements is to provide them on a request-by-request basis. More specifically, in addressing whether “businesses and other employers [are] required to cover any additional costs that employees may incur if they work from home (internet access, computer, additional phone line, increased use of electricity, etc. Did you know that California Labor Code Section 2802 requires employers to reimburse employees for any necessary expenses the employees incur while doing their jobs? In the event of an audit, employees must be able to produce receipts substantiating the amount claimed. What documents do I need to file a wage claim in California? The employee then reports the miles driven to the employer, who then reimburses the employee according to a set per mile rate. Who is submitting the receipt? No, an employer is not typically required to reimburse an employee for business-related expenses when they are neither required nor encouraged to work from home. Who is submitting the receipt? Code. With offices in San Diego, the attorneys at GrahamHollis APC protect the rights of workers throughout California. California is in the forefront of states mandating that employers reimburse employees for work-related expenses. They should not be construed as legal advice, and readers should not act upon the information contained in these publications without professional counsel. The California Department of Human Resources believes the option to work remotely has great benefits for California State employees, which is why they have encouraged remote work in certain positions. Did you know that California Labor Code Section 2802 requires employers to reimburse employees for any necessary expenses the employees incur while doing their jobs? For employers and employees alike, remote … The department recognizes the benefits of such work options for employees when both program and employee personal needs can be addressed. Given that many employees have shifted to working from home, employers should establish or revamp their reimbursement policies and make sure that their employees are aware that they can secure reimbursement of their expenses. And while OSHA generally doesn’t inspect home offices as it does with traditional workplaces, employers must still track work-related injuries that occur with remote workers. Your employer does not have to cover expenses that you incur for your convenience only — though they might choose to. Reimbursement laws that either meet or exceed the standard set forth in the event an... State and local quarantines, many employers directed employees to work at.! `` a healthful and safe '' work environment even when employees work from home all business use a. 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