Let's say your second bulk goes from 200-220 pounds. in the 6-month Transformation Series are for YOU. Otherwise, the program definitely would have got me there, but the time-frame could have been different. Down to 115 pounds at a height of 6', Nate focused on the long term process, dialed in his eating plan and lean bulk, and made amazing changes to his physique. Your neck injury is going to suck, but it definitely shouldn't stop you from feeling what it's like to beast on rapid improvement that you'll see. But what I'm not understanding is, what is the difference between eating 2500 calories from clean foods vs 2500 calories of dirty foods? Adding 5 lbs on the bench press seemed to take 3-4 weeks. Apparently hair follicles are triggered by testosterone to start growing, and different follicles have different sensitivities. People judge the bigger people most when they're mowing down those pizzas outside not doing a damn thing for themselves. of creatine. Potatoes, Chicken breast, oats, honey, whey protein, cottage cheese. I was in a time crunch and the surplus probably lead towards a bit more body fat than I should have on this diet but, hey, my goal wasn't to look a certain way vs. hitting the lifts I was after. I think for you if you lifted in the past to be fit your gains would come back extremely fast. Nonetheless, I would think maybe 10-ish pounds distributed throughout??? Thanks man, great work! Seriously, I'm the same age as you and you just motivated the hell out of me. I'd put whole fruit in the smoothie and maybe oats if you have a good blender. That's a lot of hard work. So its probably better to have a protein shake that's high in carbs for this situation? Those two points are conceded, yes. Post with 4949 votes and 171989 views. Nonetheless, again, it was a goal oriented decision I guess. [–]Mikey67Tang[S] 12 points13 points14 points 3 years ago (0 children). Absolutely and is the exact reason I ate dirtier towards the end. After a few months, he bumped up his training to four times per week. 6 month calisthenics transformation reddit. I’ve lost 37 pounds of fat in 6 months doing my exercises. The thing that took the longest was waiting in between heavy sets for the compound lifts. After that I started tracking my macronutrient intake and eventually started intermittent fasting (leangains). but it's all gone and dedicated to weekends because I get home from work, gym for an hour and a half, come back home, eat, shower and by that time, it's time for bed.... Boring, but I promise when you see yourself in the mirror change, and start meeting new people, it's really rewarding and worth it. For example instead of adding 5 lbs a week did you add 10 lbs a week ? For the next 4 months, I ran /u/nSuns 5/3/1 program after reading a comment on reddit from someone that was able to increase their bench press to 225 in a relatively short period of time. Hey my dude! Maybe learn to low-bar squat if you find that placing it higher hurts your neck although realistically, the bar should be low enough and out of the way. This was really just trusting the program and the one behind it's reasoning. Instead, aim to consume around 6 meals a day that pack in plenty of calories. Unfortunately a high sensitivity to grow also means a high sensitivity to shed - so the hair on your head is the first to go while the hair on your body is the last to arrive. Month 6, December: Weight: 124 pounds. So I read an interesting article about this recently and it has a lot to do with testosterone. During this time I learned the importance of eating relative to the bench press and that calories are everything to feel good and helping to lift like I meant it. Hair and all. It's easiest to pic a program like this one to start with - trust what's written and be consistent. I didn't have a goal for my physique but figured, whatever I would look like to hit those lifts should be ok. Deadlift - 415 lbs 405 lbs in this vid x 1. [–]Signs80 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children), If you're relatively new to lifting (novice, like <1 year of consistent muscle gains) then you can lose fat and gain muscle if you are eating at around maintenance in my experience. As for eating only "clean foods", eh this can get tricky. You'll stick with your macros but I would recommend re-assessing maybe once a month because the numbers will need to change if you plan on continue to gain or lose weight depending on the goal. Jun 11, 2020 - For all natural curlies, coilies, and wavies! My recent 5 months of bulk progress. People can offer knowledge but it's you that has to put in the work and afterwards, when you see yourself in the mirror, you'll be satisfied knowing it was you that did this. Did it grow naturally because of the higher testosterone resulted by workouts? I hate my preggo gut, but hear there's no way around it? Lmao. No but the guy is an expert because he lifted for one year. Results are in First, Some background: I had always been skinny growing up(too much video games), when I was 17 I got a gym membership that I only used when going with friends, I had no clue of what I … Have you calculated your macros yet? I took the photo on the left in April 2017. It is not unusual to bulk or cut for years straight. By the 6-month mark, the relaxed and controlled bulk methods have resulted in the same amount of total muscle gain and are clearly ahead of the lean bulk method. [–]Jaxity 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (4 children). For some reason, I thought the six-month mark would be monumental and I would finally have the slim and ripped body I was convinced CrossFit … Browse: Home / 2011 / April / My Muscle Building Transformation – 40 lbs of Muscle in 6 Months! 6 month transformation w/ Testosterone. Would love to know more about this! 1st Year Transformation 144 -> 179 lbs | non-stop lean bulk (self.Fitness). Im hoping to practice form and mind muscle connection to reap any lingering nooby gainz, [–]sraperez 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child). This is all part of it though. Here at the 6 month mark I am noticing it becoming even softer though and that is always a good thing. This is when I started getting more into the nutrition side of things and started to understand a lot of "WHYs" - WHY you need fats, WHY calories are key, etc. As I spoke with people about my diet, it was discovered that I was not hitting my fats. I get at least 50 messages a day just on my transformation and how I did it. Most of the bf honestly came towards the end of my year. Deadlift: 135 lbs. [–]laststance 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). In this study four groups of subjects where infused with a high dose of amino acids. So awesome. Learn what I did in order to pack on 40 lbs of muscle in 6 months. Currently train 5x a week, chest/back, Legs, off Arms/shoulders, off, repeat. https://www.libertariannews.org/2015/04/15/doctors-who-fill-your-head-with-lies-and-deception/. [–]Mikey67Tang[S] 8 points9 points10 points 3 years ago (3 children). [–]Jaxity 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children). Eating window 12-8. Eat 1-1.5g Of Protein Per Pound Of Bodyweight Every Day That’s the concept I’ve yet to understand and acknowledge. A 5-day per week body part split only gives us 4 opportunities to hit each muscle group for the month (once per week). Anyone judging a larger person in the gym is just an asshole because THAT big person is there to fuckin do something about it and for that alone you should be proud as hell. Full of energy. always curious to hear what works for other people! I use Charles Poliquin's and John Meadows training routines. GET IT BOIII! * Side pic Triceps: http://imgur.com/ZjUFANw Feb 17, 2017 • 3 years ago • 17 min read. Half is more than enough for me to justify including insulin manipulation as a part of your dietary decisions. So the extra insulin from adding carbs may not be useful for muscle protein synthesis, over what the insulin from protein alone already does (this is my own hypothesis based on what I've read here so far). A comparison of the gaining phase for the three bulking methods. 4 months Mewing Transformation I don't know what kind of calorie intake you are looking at for a goal. Reddit Press. Check this one out to get the basic movements of the main lifts. In both cases I would mix in 5g. Can you explain the carbs in the post-workout meal? Tricep (L):13.1 - Current:14" YouTube videos helped explain the movements and what to focus on. Ice cream sandwich when I needed to fill calories on days when I wasn't able to get in all my snacks/full meals. Most people consider 0.5 lbs weekly a pretty lean bulk. [–]Appleburgerr 22 points23 points24 points 3 years ago (13 children). HA! Then I super-setted my triceps with 20 lateral raises @ 15 lbs. It was cool to see your progress in person. [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children). I get close to 10 portions of fruit veg per day and have fats from a … After that I started tracking my macronutrient intake and eventually started intermittent fasting (leangains). Therefore, the second conclusion of the review was: Insulin infusion into the circulation lowers the amino acids in the blood which obviates any possible effect on muscle protein synthesis. I remember doing my first set of dumbbell chest press with 25 lbs and thinking "this is heavy!" This goes away if you're consistently doing the routine and your body will inevitably think: "alright, guess he's going to keep lifting 100 lbs, 10 times so I better build some effing muscle to get better at doing this", Hell yeah man! * Abs (I'm pale as shit): http://imgur.com/WLdYuK9 [–][deleted] 17 points18 points19 points 3 years ago (1 child). It may not be an absolute requirement for most people, but it doesn't hurt. Kick ass! Thanks for this! I also plan on going back to the PPL routine as I realize my strength will inevitably start to deteriorate as the calories start to dwindle but I'm hoping with this slow cut I can keep as much strength and muscle as possible. While struggling with depression in his mid-thirties, Matt Ellengold's weight climbed to 240 pounds. You mentioned that you added a 2nd heavy bench day near the end. Great progress regardless. Today you are going to learn EXACTLY how you can start your calisthenics training as a beginner.. I have stuck with this ever since and continue to track and alter my nutrient intake as needed. Therefore... carbs + protein also have a greater insulin response than protein alone. Food and 6-days a week at the gym did the rest. [–]Mikey67Tang[S] 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (3 children). Friends who hadn’t seen me in months were astonished and inspired by my transformation. Came off a Leangains cut at 9% bodyfat. It's going to take longer to cut 20 pounds of fat than to cut 10 pounds of fat. [–]Batticon 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]_gosh 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (3 children). For the final 2 months I modified the 5/3/1 program to include a second 5/3/1 (heavy) chest day. [–]Heisman1481 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago* (1 child). [–]A-LX 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). I don't really see how it hurts you to make sure you have enough, so why not include both just to make sure you're replenishing glycogen stores as well as making sure your muscles are getting access to the nutrients they need? I'd recommend trusting the program and be as strict as possible to reap the most benefits from it! [–]abedfilms 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago* (1 child). Kick ass! Early on in my diet I was SUPER strict. "Clean foods" is a slippery slope in my opinion. Transgender woman, 28, who hid her true gender identity for DECADES shares incredible photos of her transformation after taking hormones for … [–]MattGhaz 4 points5 points6 points 3 years ago (2 children). I also have a cup of sweet potatoes as well for dinner. Insulin is an extremely anabolic hormone and one of its functions is to shuttle nutrients into the muscles. The only reason protein is good enough for a lot of people is that protein causes an insulin response by itself. Seriously, you'll see a big improvement in 2-3 months. Genetically, my dad is bald and I had lost most of the hair on my head except for the classic 'horse-shoe' when I was in my early 20s. A comparison of the gaining phase for the three bulking methods. Hmm, I guess there's only one way to find then. My Transformation: How I lost 66 pounds and gained a 6 pack in 8 months. Figured I'd let the OHP handle the heavy work. The goal is to keep the weight the same the entire workout. I don't have any specific goals other than trying to shred out a bit before a beach vacation planned next March. i started slow at 2500 and have gradually made my way up to 3500 at about 1-1.5 lbs a week. I know, it's my worst habit by far. How Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt lost 60 pounds in six months. My 3-Year Transformation. Yeah, because insulin takes amino acids out of the blood and transports it into the muscle cells... that's what it does... it does the same thing with glycogen, and by the same logic you could say "insulin infusion into the circulation lowers the glucose levels in the blood." We are only halfway to our final destination and we are not stopping. If you ever have questions, hit me up or post to r/Fitness, [–]pulpfrictionns 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (6 children), Honestly I've just been going to the gym every day focusing on a different part of the body, I might just more to 4 day thing I read about, and thanks man I've been trying to do research but it's hard to fit stuff into my schedule which is why I never worked out in the first place, [–]Mikey67Tang[S] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (5 children). I go back and replay my failure videos to check what i was doing wrong and always hold my breath. I honestly plan on eating at maintenance and letting the cardio be my calorie deficit. I am kind of the same size (5'11 started at 145 currently at 172 pushing for 185 before the cut) just curious what your macro/calorie breakdown was? You may even be able to gain strength on your cut. No Threads That Are Answered by the Wiki, Searching Threads, or Google, Posts Must Be Specific to Physical Fitness and Promote Useful Discussion, Progress Posts Must Be Detailed and Useful, No Questions Related to Injury, Pain, or Any Medical Topic, 1st Year Transformation 144 -> 179 lbs | non-stop lean bulk. Just thankful the bathroom mirror was decently clean haha From one hairy chested dude to another, you should definitely just leave it. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. It's closer to 0.7 a week. Hahaha thanks man! I remember wanting to never return after that first leg-day. 1:54 Add to Official Intro To the 3 Week Bulk Program by dylanwaynehickey 99,727 views 1:07 Add to 6 month Body Transformation by thinkboutit 563,497 views … View Video. Fellow 5'9" here - I'll bet at ~155 pounds or so you'll be looking pretty toned. Start Reaching Your Goals Today! This means you'll literally have done each of the lifts like 10 times which is crazy to think about. [–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (1 child). For more experienced lifters who already carry significant musculature, this can fall to as little as 3-4lb/1.3-1.8kg per year. Everything seemed heavy and adding 5 lbs to anything seemed like a joke. Oh, if your dinner is that close to your workout then you should be fine. Well you can't build muscle, gain/lose weight without increasing or decreasing this number. Decreased libido: As far as having a decrease in the need to have sex or have an orgasm, that has decreased significantly. In that post if you read through peoples comments, etc. You're new, like I was, and these compound movements will get you strong and building in muscle in no-time. ", [–]pulpfrictionns 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (2 children), Damn that 5/3/1 program actually seems really fun, I'll take all your advice to heart man thanks for your time and advice, [–]Mikey67Tang[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]pulpfrictionns 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]BlazeMaster561 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child). Or have you always been naturally hairy, but decided to shave right before your "before" pic? My starting lifting numbers were very similar. ', [–]ThaDynamite 285 points286 points287 points 3 years ago (18 children), [–]Mikey67Tang[S] 137 points138 points139 points 3 years ago (4 children), Collectively, it helps the number on the scale, [–]abedfilms 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (3 children). Typical body-building split (stopped RPT after cut as I love higher volume work). and think it's just a waste of time. That's a brief summary of why a lot of bodybuilders inject insulin after working out btw. I went from 202 pounds to 165 pounds of lean muscle mass. Bicep (R):14" - Current:14.8" Rest days are borlotti beans, chicken breast, eggs, oats, cottage cheese, asparagus. What's with the before and after body hair? This particular day I was out of town and needed to do shoulders in a hotel gym that only had dumbbells and a cable machine. But, I tried out 30, then 35 and while they felt heavy too, I'll be dammed if they didn't go up as well. Though this muscle mass typically comes back rather quickly, it's still 6-8 weeks of time lost on each bulk. Protein still gives a similar insulin response as carbs, and the insulin response is still elevated for roughly the same period of time. 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