Plants can grow up to 3m tall, making this the tallest annual species growing wild in the UK. This shows how easily this invasive species to the UK, spreads its seeds away from the plant . “The problem with it is that it creates quite vast stands which compete with our native flora,” Emma Harrington, of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, told the BBC. This cordial is perfect for introducing nettles to the family as a food stuff, another great example is our easy stinging nettle crisps. While it comes from Asia, it has spread into other habitats, where it pushes out native plants and can wreak serious havoc on the environment. The best time is early to mid-summer, before the seeds have matured. You see, this isn’t just another invasive weed, it’s a very attractive one. To fight Himalayan balsam, plants must be chopped down, or pulled up as they come into flower in June or July. Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) is a very attractive but problematic plant, especially in the British Isles. You may have seen Himalayan Balsam when walking along the banks of the River Dee or the River Don. Apart from its attractive flowers, the exploding seed pods made it uniquely appealing. When ripe, the seed pods of the Himalayan Balsam will explode at the slightest of stimuli. By foraging for this free food you can help your budget and the environment. It was introduced to Kew Gardens in 1839 and is thought to have mainly been spread by people passing seeds to each other. In the early 19th century, they were brought to the British Isles to be planted in gardens, and before long they escaped into the wild, where they continue to cause a number of serious problems. Written by. //-->. and protect other plant life. This nettle cordial recipe, from the book ‘The Eatweeds Cookbook’ by Robin Harford is delicious and the perfect way to introduce kids to nettles as a wild food. Unfortunately, this species is extremely invasive in moist, shaded environments, and is now swiftly spreading through the watercourses of the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley. Appearance Impatiens glandulifera is a succulent annual than can be 3-10 ft. (0.9-3 m) tall. Often nicknamed the Police Helmet plant, Himalayan Balsam can grow up between 1 … Wild Summer flower cordial and Pine needle cordial. A native of India and Pakistan, the Himalayan Balsam has managed to invade 23 European countries, as well as the United States, Canada and even New Zealand. Please tell us the format you need. Himalayan Balsam is, as the name suggests, native to India, more specifically to the Himalayas. e9 = new Object(); Its exploding seed pods allow the plant to rapidly spread into nearly impregnable thickets that reach over 3-meters-tall, smothering all other plant life to death. Himalayan Balsam regrows annually from the seeds which are viable for 2 years therefore any control efforts must be carried out before the seed pods are produced for maximum effect. Himalayan balsam is an annual herb, native to the western Himalayas.